b) Chapter 6

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Darryl's POV

We wandered around the library a little bit until Zak noticed his friends. A short boy with brown hair, brown eyes, a bright green scarf, and a dark blue striped hoodie was the first to notice. He also had a very unique birthmark on the right side of his face when you looked at him. It was pretty big and it was a darker skin tone than his original skin tone color.

Once I noticed his features, he kinda seemed familiar but I've never met this boy before.

He signed something in sign language. So, he's probably the mute one. Zak signed something back to him, they were probably saying hi to each other. I was shocked that Zak knew sign language, and I thought it was cute that he cared enough to learn some to talk to his friend.

"Wow, can't believe you remember some sign language." Another boy popped out from behind the mute boy. He was slightly taller, he had light brown hair and a bright grey eye color, with a dark grey rim around it. He had a very round face but what was catching my eye was his very...interesting hoodie.

"Hey, I'm not that forgetful, b*tch"

I squinted my eyes slightly and my nose scrunched up. I gave Skeppy the "language" glare.

"Sassy shorty." Mumbled the tall guy.

Skeppy literally barked out his response. "Hey! I am not sassy for one. And for two. I'm not short!"

I was holding back my laugh and so was the other guy, the mute boy however didn't seem one bit amused.

"Okay, anyway, I'm Jacob, but you can call me Zelk and or Zelkam."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Darryl!"

The mute boy then introduced himself, or at least that's what I would guess he was doing. He signed so quickly that I would think that someone who even DID understand sign language couldn't keep up with him.

"He says it's nice to meet you and that you can call him Mega."

Mega? I didn't want to come off rude if I questioned his name so I just kept it to myself.

Wait, he was the boy that helped Zak out when he fell! That's very nice of him. I thought to myself once I recognized him.

"Who was that other-"

Zak shut me up by putting his hand over my mouth. I was quite annoyed but he took it away quickly so I let it go. I saw another boy approaching us and he seemed to be in a good mood, he must've been another friend of Zak. He had black fluffy, curly hair, and brown eyes so dark, it almost looked like he didn't have pupils, but it was cool.

As he finally made over, his first reaction was just to gasp.

"Is he your boyfriend?!" He randomly asked.

"Oh my gosh..." is all Zak said.

"Um...what? Skeppy?" I was confused and honestly scared already, especially since I could feel my cheeks heating up.

Who just randomly asks someone if they're dating? Plus why was his first reaction was to assume if me and Zak were dating?

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