Chapter 21

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"We're getting you to the hospital, just relax!"


Two days before the accident


Darryl's POV

Today was an everyday, normal, school day. Not the best thing, but what could get better?

"Can Darryl Noveschosch come to the front office?" I heard from the speaker, I stopped in the middle of the hallway and turned around.

What would they need me for at the office?

I got a little worried that I may be in trouble, but I brushed it off because there had been nothing I've done that would've gotten me in trouble.

I walked inside the office and one of the front desk ladies told me to go to the principal's office, NOW I was worried.

I walked into the principal's office and there was my principal, Mr. Taler, and a nice-looking girl sitting in front of him.

She had long wavy blonde hair and what looked like hazel eyes. She didn't have much of a tan and seemed pretty short, but she seemed nice.

The principal gestured me to take a seat.

"I was wondering if you could show our new student around, I thought you'd be the best choice!"

"Oh! Yeah, I can do that!" I knew the school pretty well, like, I've been here for three years.

"Okay, thank you so much Darryl, here is her schedule." He gave me her schedule and one to her, too.

"And I'll excuse you from your class."

"Okay thank you!"

We both walked out of the room and I checked her schedule. She had Math first with Mr. Powell. She also had a class with me, it was my History class.

"My name is Darryl, what's your name?" I asked with some enthusiasm in my tone.

"Caroline, nice to meet you!" She said with a kind voice.

"It's nice to meet you, too!"

We walked around a bit, I showed her a couple of her classrooms.

"What grade are you in?"


"I guessed so by your teachers. You have History with me by the way!"

"Oh, cool!"

I showed her our lunchroom then I got an idea.

"Oh, would you like to join my friends for lunch?"

"Um... I guess so!" She seemed a little uncomfortable at first but then she agreed.

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