a) Chapter 19

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"I don't think I should go but... but you can, I'm fine with that. I'm glad you came to talk with me, but I don't think I can go... sorry."

I meant it, but I knew it would be better if I didn't go. He gave me a smile, a true smile.

He understood me.

"I understand Bad." He said softly. He made me melt and I hugged him tightly, but not for too long. We then happily made our way back to our friends.

"So, are we going to do the party?" Skeppy asked once we sat down.

"Yeah, I really want to if everyone is up to it!" Dream said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah!" Everyone shouted and cheered. I smiled at my friends, I was happy that they were happy.

"And it's going to be at your house again, right?" Sapnap asked.


"Ooo! I'll make another group chat with all of us in it!" I said excitingly.

"Oh well then I'll text the details in there!" Dream said.

Everyone started with happy chatters again, but it was almost time to leave.

"It's almost time to leave, guys," George said.

Everyone started to say goodbye and at the right time, the bell rang. I saw everyone get up, especially Skeppy, but I caught him before he left.

"Wait, wait Zak." I grabbed his arm and he looked back at me.


"No energy drinks... please."

He scoffed as if the thing I just said was stupid.

"Never again." He rolled his eyes playfully which made me smile and feel better.

"And no doing stupid stuff, okay?"

"Oooo, I don't know about that one..."

"Skeppy!" I shouted as he started to walk away.

"Bye Bad!" He was then gone.

"Ugh." I really hope he doesn't do something stupid.

~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~

I hung up my backpack on my hanger and laid down on my bed. I went through our group chat texts and saw them talking about the plans for the party.

It didn't make me feel left out that I wasn't going, after all, it was my choice. But that also meant they'd probably have a lot of fun without me, and who would look after Zak? Goodness, I swear he'll do something stupid.

The party was on a Saturday and started at the same time as the last party, so 6:30.

I texted in the group chat "No energy drinks!" but I don't know if they'll listen.

I sighed and put my phone away, I stared at the ceiling for a bit. Now I felt lonely, I'd be lonely on the weekend, and Zak probably won't be able to hang out on Sunday.

Aboulomania [Skephalo]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα