Chapter 26

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Zak's POV

I nuzzled into my warm pillow, I was so warm and comfortable. I sighed happily then pulled the pillow closer to my face.

I opened my eyes and saw a grey pillow.

A grey pillow? I only have...


I woke up more and I noticed I was holding Bad and he was holding me. He slowly breathed in and out against me. His soft breathing moved my hair and his arm hung loosely around my lower back. I stayed awake for a little bit, still stunned, but then I very carefully turned around and checked my clock.


I smiled at my clock and turned back around, I felt him stir a little so I didn't move, but then he fell back asleep. I slowly brought myself to his level and nudged my way into the crook of his neck. I slid my arm under his arm and held him confidently. I hesitantly thought of doing this but then I laid my leg on top of his. Not only did it help my very little leg space, but it was actually pretty comfortable.

I fell asleep again cuddling Bad.

I was cuddling Bad...


Darryl's POV

I woke up to light rustling, it was Skeppy moving around. I felt him rest his head in my neck and heat raised to my face. My whole body became warm and my stomach filled with butterflies but then he pulled me closer. I didn't know if he was awake but then he laid his leg on mine.

He then stopped moving and now I was pretty sure he was asleep. I laid there awake not knowing what to do. He was now cuddling me even more and I wanted to cuddle him back, but what if this all wasn't intentional. Maybe he just moved a lot in his sleep and cuddled whatever he could.

He did intentionally cuddle me in the hospital.

I ignored that thought and thought about how comfortable Skeppy and I have gotten with each other. We share food, hold hands, get really close to each other, we almost kissed multiple times, and now here we are cuddling.

I moved my leg over his, just making our legs a weird stacking pattern. I finally felt completely comfortable with my legs stretched and having more space, but to make myself a little more happier, I placed my head on his head full of fluffy hair.

I relaxed completely and closed my eyes, I fell asleep happier than ever.


Zak's POV

I woke up again with the sun shining on my face. Bad and I were in a completely different position than what I remember, I guess we moved a lot in our sleep.

I was laying on my back with Bad's head on my chest. His arm laid over my body and off the edge of the bed, then his leg laid on my legs.

I looked at my clock and it was almost time to get up. I played with Bad's hair until he started waking up.

He lifted his head and I smiled at him.

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