Chapter 6

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Darryl's POV


Is the first thing I hear in the morning, not the most pleasant thing, but I remembered my friends and instantly jumped out of bed.

I grabbed black ripped jeans and my favorite hoodie. It was a full black hoodie with red stripes that ran around my hood and down my sleeves. It was simple but it was my favorite.

I got changed and headed to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and hair. When I finished, I walked out of the bathroom but my brother stopped me.

"Hey, can we talk?" He seemed nervous by the way he asked, but I agreed anyway.

"Of course!"

We went to his bedroom and we sat on his bed. He looked down at his palms, they were shut tight and you could see the blood not being able to reach his fingers. He relaxed and I saw the blood rush back and his hands turn pink. He signed.

"It's about mom... and I should've given you this a long time ago."

He carefully opened his palm and placed it in my hand carefully. My eyes widened, he kept something away from me, especially something from my mom. It was a small sun necklace, it was so simple but yet so beautiful. I smiled at it, my mom always told me I was her sunshine. While doing so, he explained why he didn't give it to me a while ago so instead of getting upset just yet, I let him explain.

"I'm so sorry, you were going to be given this when you turned 14 but after the accident, I didn't know how you were going to react. I have one of my own, too, I'm the moon." My heart hurt a little more, he was the moon because he was always responsible and the big brother.

I didn't know how to respond, I just stared at the necklace. I gently pet the necklace in my hand, my eyes started to sting.

"Where's yours?" My voice cracked from all the emotions I was holding in.

He rested his other hand and opened it slowly. There shined the beautiful moon. It was a quarter moon, but not split in half, it had the little round indent in the middle of it. But when I looked up at my brother, he was in pain, too. Then and there, I saw two beautiful moons.

A tear fell down my face after that, then another followed, my face was blank, only filled with sadness and a lot of processing.

I hugged my brother tightly. He hugged me back.

"Dad gave these to me after mom passed away, he wanted me to be the one to choose when you and I would both be ready for these." I felt his breath on my back. I let the silence answer for me, only holding onto my brother, not wanting to speak just yet.

I sniffled before speaking, "I-... I think you made the right choice" he sniffled again, he then rubbed my back gently, up and down, I let go of him eventually. He smiled at me, though sadness and guilt were still clear in his eyes. I smiled back, "I forgive you, it's okay." I whispered to him.

I looked back down at the necklace, I put it on and tucked it under my hoodie. "She's closer to my heart now" I smiled at him. He then put on his necklace, too, tucking it away. "Always," he said back. We stood up and hugged again, and when we broke apart, we wiped away our tears and laughed sadly together doing so.

"Let's go to school now." My brother said softly as if he might scare me if he speaks too loudly.


~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~

I pulled up to the school and parked my car. I got out of my car excitingly but calmly. Today was another day to be with friends, I was eager to be here today.

I made it to my locker and unpacked my stuff in my locker. I saw my homework in my backpack, untouched since I put it in there. Oh my goodness, how could I forget to do my homework! Ahhhhhhh! I growled to myself out loud because of how frustrated I was.

"What's the matter?"

"Ah!" I screamed at the random person that decided it was a good idea to sneak up on me. Once I looked at them, my face dropped in annoyance.

"Skeppy, that wasn't funny~," I said in a sad, complaining tone. He only giggled as a response.

"Hi!" He said all innocently, I couldn't stay mad at him so I just smiled and rolled my eyes at how easy I give in.

"Hi, Skeppy."

"Why were you grumpy when I came over?"

"Grumpy?- Oh yeah, I forgot to do my homework last night."

"Oh well, we could go to the library together. I'm not saying I'm smart and I'll be able to help you but I could give you company!"

His innocent smile is so cute. Muffin! I bleeped out my own swear word with "muffin" inside my head. I couldn't even keep my opinions away from my mind.

"Sure! That'll be nice." I finally answered. I grabbed all my homework and started walking with him.

"You have locker 614?"

"Yeah," I responded but was quite confused at what he was getting at.

"I have locker 414," He said, then started giggling.

He started to speak again, "I'll just remember fourteen. Fourteen is the funny number."

"What's so funny about fourteen?" I questioned.

"It'll just help me remember, don't make fun of me."


We kept walking and talking until another subject was brought up.

"Oh, is it alright if I introduce you to some of MY friends?" He asked excitingly.

"Yeah, that's fine!"

"They'll probably be in the library anyway."


"Also, one of them is 'mute' so they'll be signing a lot." He used his hands to show "quotation" marks.

"Ummmm, I don't know sign language," I said awkwardly.

"Oh, that's alright, Jacob is technically his 'translator'"

"That's cool!"

"But there's one other friend..."

There was a pause and he didn't say anything so he was probably waiting for me to say something.

"Hm?" is all I said as I waited for him to continue.

"In your perspective, I would call him the 'language' friend"

"Why is that?"

We made it to the library and I pushed open the door and held it open for Zak.

"Just wait and see..."

The last friend Zak was mentioning about was making me nervous, so I guess I will have to wait and see.

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