Chapter 27

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Darryl's POV

It was Wednesday afternoon, we already ate lunch and we just got back. I was talking to George about his new coding idea until Sapnap asked if he could talk to me. George didn't seem too happy but Sapnap was super excited.

We walked to a faraway bench that was under a tree.

"Guess what?" He asked excitedly.

"Um... I don't know."

"Karl admitted he liked me and kissed me!" My eyes widened and my smile grew big.

"That's amazing! Are you guys dating now?"

"Whoa tiger, we're gonna go on a few dates first then see from there."

"Oh," I said sadly.

"That's still amazing though!" I smiled brightly.

"I'm so happy dude!" He gave me a quick bear hug which took me by surprise.

"Well, that's all I wanted to say. Thanks for listening to me, Bad!"

"You're welcome!"

He was quiet for a moment but it seemed like he had something on his mind.

"You like Zak, right?" The abrupt question took me by surprise and I turned RED.

"Wh- well, yeah!" I said. I looked away and folded my arms, I admit, I was a little embarrassed.

"I really think you should make a move." I groaned. I knew it was true but I was too scared to do anything about it.

"I know, I just-"

"If you know, then do it." I glared at him, he really was hard-headed.

"Then tell your friends you like a boy!" I said back. He gave me a side frown.

"See, not that easy."

"Just kiss him then." He said calmly like it was totally normal.

"What?! Are you insane?! What if he doesn't like me back? What if I ruin our friendship cause I try to... kiss him?"

"You'll never know until you try."

"Oh yeah, like I'm risking my friendship for a kiss and MAYBE a future relationship."

"Yeah, but what if you get that relationship? He's all yours."

I sat thinking, I really didn't have anything to say.

"You can't tell me I caught you guys cuddling and he kissed you on the cheek and that it was all nothing."

He stared deep into my soul but I couldn't say anything still, so he continued.

"Dream and I joke and flirt all the time but we don't do anything like that. We don't even cuddle, the most we've ever done is me sitting on his lap or my head on his lap but that's it."

"Yeah but if-"

He slammed his hands down on the table and shot up from his seat.

"If you confess to Zak today I will walk over there and tell EVERYONE I like Karl!" He shouted, slightly mad but not at me, just in general. I tried searching his eyes for any type of joke or lie but it was filled with fire. It was the truth, the flame was a flame of passion.

Before I could even respond, he walked away, leaving me at the bench. I've never seen Sapnap so serious, I knew it was kind of serious but it was just a crush...

Just a crush...

I looked up saw Zak with his friends.

He's like no other crush I've had. He isn't just a crush, he's Skeppy...

Aboulomania [Skephalo]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang