b) Chapter 23

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"He's dazing out!"

"I know! Just get him to the car!"

"Be careful!"


Hours before the accident.


Zak's POV

I showed up at the dimly lit party at a decent time, not many people were here yet and Bad wasn't here yet. I stuck with Vurb since Zelk and Mega were signing up a storm.

"Yeah, and so that's why I wasn't able to talk on Wednesday." I finished saying.

"Oh... Well, where's your boyfriend at? Is he coming to the party?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes, I was used to it by now.

"Yes, he is-"


"Wait wait! I didn't mean that he's my-"

"Guys! Guys!" Vurb tried to catch Mega and Zelk's attention.

"Zak just admitted he has a boyfriend!"

"I didn't mean it as he's my boyfriend, I meant that he's coming!-"

"WHAT?!" Zelk shouted.

I slapped my face then dragged my hand down.

"What's with all the excitement?" Dream came in asking.

"Zak's boyfriend is coming!" Zelk said happily.

"Bad isn't my boyfriend!"

"Oh, we never said Darryl so I guess we know who now." Vurb teased with a smirk on his face.

Everyone was going wild and my flustered self couldn't handle the teasing and laughter.

"GUYS!" I shouted but then someone knocked at the door. Everyone kept quiet and waited to see who was at the door when Dream went to answer it.

Bad came through the door and never has he ever looked so handsome before. Maybe it was the lighting or how he dressed, but he dressed like he always dressed, wearing a plain black shirt with holey jeans. The lighting hit his face perfectly, making his eyes sparkle and his skin smooth. I was taken aback but then my friends caught me staring and started ooooing.

"Shut up guys."

I walked up to Bad but I was lost at words. He was so handsome...

Ugh, I can't take this.

I hugged him close to me, I tried to take in as much as I could of him.

"What's this?" He was confused at first but hugged back.


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