Fan Wai San Bai Yi Jiang Hu

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Legend has it that the number of days of life will be exhausted, and there will be five declines. You will become accustomed to the state of bliss.

"Liuhe Xinfa" states that once "Heavenly Man" eats the fireworks on earth, he will be in a state of decline, and he will have to turn pale, and his energy will gradually weaken, while his body will gradually decline, and prosperity will no longer exist.

Ye Baiyi felt the situation right now. His hair was getting whiter every day. It seemed that someone was holding a brush and brushing it in an invisible place. Confused, you will forget where you were just now and where you are going. My spirits are also bad, sometimes I ca n’t sleep at night, sometimes I fall asleep, and it ’s hard to open my eyes the next day until the day.

But he felt very happy, free and free of worries, so what was said in the "Liuhe Xinfa" was totally nonsense.

The reason is probably that he never considered himself a celestial being, he only felt that he was a living dead.

After coming to Changming Mountain, for him, the living dead came to life with their eyes open, even if it was only a few years, even if he would return to the path of life, illness and death.

He eats a lot of food every day, sometimes driving a long way, just to taste a legendary snack in a certain place. The ancients said that the color of the food was too old, and Ye Baiyi was too old to be in a mood, so he threw himself into the food with all his heart. He is not picky, eats everything, and enjoys everything. Just a bowl of tofu copied by the boss in the roadside tavern can also allow him to taste it for a long time.

For a person who has been eating cold water for a century, the sourness and bitterness in this world are all so precious.

Ye Baiyi interviewed people who knew the old things 30 years ago and walked through all possible paths. Finally, they found the inconspicuous grave of Rong Xuan and Long Fenger, took back the dusty ancient blade dragon back, and then The bones of the two joined together, cremated into the altar, and the trustee returned it to Changming Mountain.

He had wanted to stop those who had earned it from opening the arsenal, but after seeing a farce, he felt tired ... what did their lives have to do with him?

He thinks that he is just an old man who is dying. He has nothing to worry about in his life, so he has nothing to do all day, and it is his duty to travel all over the country, eat all over the world, and maybe until one day he ca n’t move, where does he die? Where to count.

By the way, I still miss Rong Changqing occasionally.

Rong Changqing, Ye Baiyi's only friend in the world, has been dead for thirty years.

But Ye Baiyi can still remember exactly what he looked like, the look of his youthful pride, the appearance of being young and crazy, and even his appearance.

Ye Baiyi was arrogant all his life, unwilling to remember a person who didn't matter, and the only vivid memory in his life was about that person.

Rong Changqing grew up with him since he was a child. Unlike Ye Baiyi, who was looking for a fight at the exit, Rong Changqing is a very flattering man who gets along well with others. I like wine, swords, beauties, and even poetry. Give him a glass of wine, and everyone in the world can be his friend, but unfortunately there is only one true friend-in addition to practicing, it will only hurt Ye Baiyi.

The famous work of "ghost hand" Rong Changqing is the Great Wild Sword. At that time, Rong Changqing was just a little-known young man. He didn't care. He just called this handle what he later called "Sword General". The sword was given to a wandering old beggar who gave him a pot of monkey wine and a cheat book.

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