chapter 16 - the masquerade continued

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I looked at him bored, his threats doing nothing to scare me.

"Are you done?" I asked him yawning.

"W-What yes. So you better watch your back Soldano, next time I'll be a little more... rougher."

I took hold of his arm, twisted it behind his back and put my knee on his neck.

"Don't ever threaten me Kurtis," I said shoving him to the ground and making my way to my room.



"Say that again," I said deadly.

"I wish I had killed you when I had the chance," she said with that stupid smirk.

This little bitch.

I grabbed her by the throat and pulled her up against the wall. I brought my face up close and stared at her.

She's beautiful, with those eyes, one brown and one green. Her eyebrows were furrowed together while scanning my eyes. Her lips slightly parted as she begins to say something. She didn't look afraid instead more curious. She's so fucking beautiful but I want to kill her. I want her to feel pain. I want her to die. Why? What's so fucking wrong with me?

I groaned as I banged my head into the wall in frustration. I felt her move away and tense.

"Fuck Katerina. You have no idea how much you infuriate me. I want to kill you. I really do. I'm not a fucking wimp who's gonna listen to whatever you say. You should be glad that I don't have anything on me right now," I mumbled, my head still against the wall.

I felt her struggle to swallow and a small pinch on my skin. I turned my head slightly, chuckled and gripped her tighter.

Fuck. What are you doing Dante? Stop goddamnit.

I moved my face closer to her so that my lips were brushing her ear.

"Don't ever fucking say that to me," I said letting her go with a shove, "You wanna start hating each other again? Two can play at that game Soldano," I said walking off.

I was enraged. If someone else said that to me they would already be 6 feet under. So why is this woman making me question myself. Anyways we now both know where we stand. She's always been the enemy. She killed Jacob. And Kiera.

We got seated with Katerina next to me and fucking Spencer opposite her. What the hell is his problem. Just leave us alone.

"What happened to your neck?" Spencer asked.

Well fuck me.

"Oh that, I just had an allergic reaction to the perfume. No big deal," Katerina said smiling.


Spencer glared at me obviously not believing that lie. After a few minutes Katerina started whispering to Kurtis while I pretended to not pay attention.

"Didn't know you were a prude, Katerina," Kurtis said loudly. I heard but didn't turn my head. I didn't care what happened to her. Hell if she died that would make my life a little easier.

"Anyone who knows me already knows that I am not a prude but..." Katerina started to say.


"If you were more attractive maybe I'd let you do more than just laying a hand on my thigh."

I almost snorted on my drink when I heard that.

"You bitch," Kurtis snarled.

"Kurtis.... we are not on the same level - looks wise and intelligence wise. It's sad how bad you wanna fuck me even when I'm married" she said, "Please get a life."

Kurtis seemed to ignore her after that but Spencer would not shut up. I swear he has some obsession with Katerina. Not that I care. Dinner soon finished and we were summoned to the main hall where Marissa and her husband, Blake, gave a speech. The last event was revealing who won best costume.

"Alright guys, the votes have been casted and the winners are .... Alaric Ellington and Katerina Morales. Would you please make your way up to the centre."

What the fuck. Alaric Ellington? Oh come on. He's my fathers biggest competitor because they're both in the hotel business. Did she just smirk at me? Wow now she's laughing at something he said. It's fine, I don't care.

The music stopped and they pulled away. It was time for everyone to go back but I decided to go to Jade Haolin's room. She was a model for Versace. I needed to do something to get this rage out.

I had a lot of pent up energy and anger and what better way than to get rid of it than sex.

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