Chapter 2

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Soon the end of the camp arrived, and it was time. Each bought their crushes favorite flower, Oikawa bought irises, Atsumu bought a rose and Suga bought a few gazanias. They each put them in their hair or in their pockets to give them strength and courage to go ahead. With a few words of encouragement in their secret gibberish, they split up and promised to find each other after. Suga would be taking them home. Oikawa took deep breaths, tried to steady his heart rate, because there was Iwaizumi by their bus, waiting for him. Oikawa walked up to Iwaizumi and said, "Hey, I was wondering if you would, uh..." He paused, too embarrassed to continue.

"What is it, Shittykawa?" 

Well, that was not doing allot to help his confidence.

  Better to rip it off like a bandaid, we always have the Canada plan. He thought. 

 "What I mean to say is would you like to go on a d-" He was cut off a squeal and saw a pretty blonde woman latch onto Iwaizumi's arm. He smiled at her, and the love in his eyes made Oikawa pause. He felt his heart shrivel and break, and at that moment it was like something lodged into his lungs. Breathing was hard. 

Iwa ruffled the girls' head and turned back to Oikawa, with one arm around her. "What was it?" Oikawa shrugged and gave the fakest of all fake smiles. It made Iwa frown. "Nothing, Iwaizumi. I'll be making my own way home with Suga and Tsumu. So don't worry about saving a spot for me on the bus, kay?" He turned and left.

Iwaizumi was frozen, looking at the floor. What happened to Iwa-chan?


Atsumu walked up to Kiyomi, ducking behind a building, not five metres from where his crush was standing. He held onto his rose as he repeated what he would say again and again in his mind.

  Is it too cheesy? Will he think I am dirty? Ugh, maybe this isn't a good idea... 

He went to turn away. But it was then that he heard something interesting. Sakusa talking to someone he didn't know. Atsumu flattened against the wall, trying to listen in, the rumble of the buses made it hard to hear. 

"What do you mean, do I like him?"

"I am asking if you have something for that setter, the one that calls you Omi-omi." Atsumu felt his heart rate quicken.

"I don't like him, not as a..." The words were drowned out by the rumble of the Karasuno bus as it drove past. 

Atsumu dropped the flower on the floor and started running.


Suga strode towards Daichi. He was walking from behind and was blushing up a storm, so afraid of what would happen. But when he approached, a conversation was already happening. "Yeah she asked me out. I am not sure whether I should say yes though." 

Something in Suga's heart crumpled, and it was like a stone had been deposited on his chest. Breathing was hard, he didn't know why. 

Daichi turned around. "Oh yeah Suga! I need your help. Someone asked me out but I'm not sure...? Suga? Are you alright?" Suga smiled and waved him away. Daichi frowned but turned back to his earlier conversation, trusting Suga to get home safe. 

He coughed quietly as he walked away, trying to keep the tears from his eyes. But when he felt something in his mouth and pulled out a small petal, he knew deep inside that he was not going to be alright.

Oikawa waited until he was out of sight before running through Nekoma. He kept going and going until he had reached the gate at the other side, which had a little community garden there. He was hidden, and it was there the coughing started. His tears intermingled with the soil as blue petals floated from his mouth. He gasped when he saw them, and quickly FaceTimed Atsumu and Suga. When they picked up each had tear-stained cheeks and a horrified expression.

"It didn't-"

"He said-"

"A girl-"

They were sobbing through their teeth. Oikawa wiped away his tears and took a deep breath, but he choked a little "I'll meet you at the carpark, they should be gone by now, lets-" he was cut off by his own coughing. He spat a shriveled blue petla and some blood into his hand. Suga and Atsumu watched from the other side of the screen. 

"Oikawa!" Yelled Atsumu, but he started coughing as well. Suga followed. Oikawa went pale. he knew what this meant. 

 Oikawa watched as Atsumu coughed up vibrant red petals, and Suga choked on delicate orange and golden flowers. "Oh my god." Whispered Suga. Atsumu looked up at the two older boys on the other side of the screen. "What, what is happening to us?" His voice was barely a whisper. "Hanahaki" finished Oikawa. 

"We have Hanahaki." 


Author again! Bit of angst here, no I am not sorry for it. It is meant to be Oikawa at the top by the way. I hope y'all am liking my story because it is pretty fun to write. If you're lucky I might upload it all tonight because I have written it in one afternoon. School? Never heard of her. 

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