Chapter 2: Ecto-converter

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We decided to show Jazz the ropes on what we do for ghost hunting. In a series of unfortunate events, things didn't really turn out the way we had hoped. This is how it turned out.

Later that evening, we had a stake out at Mr. Meat's Butcher Shop where the Lunch Lady had links of sausage floating around her. "Feast on my hot links of doom!" She roared at us.

"Okay, Jazz!" Danny said, "Now!"

Jazz skidded to a stop in front of us, with the Fenton Fishing Net spinning as she whirled the weapon. "Stand back!" Jazz yelled. "I'm trained in this thing!"

She threw the liner back, and the three of us backed away a little bit. "Trained by her dad!" Tucker said. She ended up trapping Danny again, but in the Fishing net this time. Jazz threw the liner outward so proudly, not realizing that she took Danny along and he flew right into the Lunch Lady.

"Wait..." Jazz said, pulling her notebook out. "Witty banter! Take that, Lunch-bill, and your evil wieners, too!"

I covered my mouth with my hand and gasped as Danny was thrown at the wall. I watched as he slid down to a pot full of grease, and got covered in chitterlings. I knew that odor was going to stay on him for quite some time...

Then, the night after that, we were at the water park where every ride was frozen solid. Klemper, threw balls of ice at us, always asking, "Won't anyone be my friend?" Jazz pulled out the Fenton bat. She ran forward, to slash at the frozen balls of ice, and Danny floated next to her.

"You're going up to him with the anti-creep stick?" Danny asked.

"I know what I'm doing, Danny." Jazz said, as she continued to knock them out of the way. "Give me your worst, friendly fiend! You haven't got the guts!" Then she looked at Danny for approval.

"Yeah, see, the 'guts' joke would've been better in the last fight." he pointed out.

Klemper took in a deep breath and exhaled an icy one, turning the floor into ice. Jazz was starting to lose balance as she ran, swinging the bat around, and Danny braced for impact. She whirled around, and knocked him out of the way with it. He screamed in surprise, flying backwards to the Terror Mountain waterslide.

Sam, Tucker, and I thought about running, but unfortunately we were pretty much stuck. When Danny hit the icy slide, the ice collapsed and a huge pile fell on us, including him. "I'm helping!" Jazz squealed in happiness. The four of us, annoyed, popped out of the pile of ice. I knew I was going to feel the pain tomorrow night.

Then, the following night, we were hunting down the Box Ghost at an abandoned warehouse. Sam, Tucker, and I were trapped on piles of boxes. We looked over to see Danny fighting off the Box Ghost. The door opened, and Jazz was there with the Fenton Thermos pointed at them both. "Freeze!" She shouted.

"Once again - right idea, wrong fight!" Danny yelled, as the Box ghost shoved him back.

"I've got him!" She said. "I've got the creep-creep!"

That was when him and the Box Ghost stopped fighting and just blankly stared at her. "Creep creep?" the Box Ghost questioned and Danny facepalmed when he announced, "I AM THE BOX GHOST! WHO ARE YOU?" He glanced at Danny and pointed at Jazz. "No seriously, who is she?"

Jazz hurried up on one of the boxes, and almost lost balance again. When she activated the thermos, Danny knew it was coming, so he sighed and let himself get trapped inside. "Whoops!" Jazz said, nervously. "Don't worry, Danny. We'll get you out of there, eventually!"

We headed home after we got ourselves untangled from the pile of boxes. Sam and Tucker decided to walk home and not deal with the ride home with Jazz. So, unfortunately, instead of him taking me home himself, Jazz decided herself to drive us both home.

"That was a good night's work, you two!" Jazz said. "We caught three ghosts!" I placed my hand on Danny's shoulder from the back. He didn't shrug it off out of anger, but I couldn't really do much to comfort him right now. Instead, he crossed his arms and glared in silence.

"No, Jazz..." I said. "Actually, you caught one ghost."

"Yeah," Danny said. "Three times. All of them - ME!"

When Jazz dropped me off, Danny walked me up to the front porch and we said our goodnights. We couldn't really kiss either without his sister watching us from the car and say anything that would be embarrassing.


*Danny's POV*

Jazz rolled up beside the Fenton RV on the side of the house. It was time I had a talk with her. "Look, Jazz." I said, "I know you're trying to help-"

"Trying?" She asked, and I unbuckled the seatbelt.

"And please don't be offended, but-"

I couldn't finish the sentence as my dad grabbed me by the shirt. I yelped as he pulled me away from the car. "Danny!" he shouted. "Check this out." I looked over to the back of the Fenton RV where mom was working on the engine. "Your mother and I souped up the RV, with an ecto-converter."

I looked at the equipment installed inside and asked, "Ecto-converter?"

"It converts a ghost's natural ecto-energy into a constantly replenishing fuel source!" Mom explained.

"Does it hurt the ghost?" Jazz asked, walking up to me and mom laughed.

"Oh, Jazz..." she said. "You know your father and I don't care about that."

"Yeah, if we hear it screaming, then we know it's working!" They smiled at her in response and walked to the top of the RV to install a Parabolic Reflector.

"Too bad there's no ghost here!" Jazz said, and slapped me on the back. "Right, Danny? No ghosts here." She started singing, "We know something they don't know~"

"I get it..." I mocked, and sang along out of anger, "Can we let it die now?"

She started humming again, and slapped me in the back a little too much to the point where I yelped and moved towards the ecto-converter. I watched and found my hand placed against it. The converter glowed green along with my hand and the engine started revving up. Our parents screamed in surprise when the Fenton RV was driving off on its own.

We hurried over as they crashed through the fence and ran into a few cars down the road, setting off alarms. Jazz walked up to me and had the audacity to say, "You really need to work on controlling your powers."

I pouted in anger, and headed inside to get ready for bed.

It was late at night again, and knew my ghost sense went off, but I continued sleeping until the coast was clear. When it was, I transformed, and flew down to the laboratory.

Skulker was clearing breakers off to the side of the desk and I spoke up, "And here I thought you weren't hunting me anymore."

"Where is the ecto-converter?" Skulker asked.

I was ecstatic, "See!? That's more like it! You make demands, I ignore them."

Then, he rushed over to me and grabbed me by the shirt. "Talk!" He shouted. "Where is it?"

I pretended to know and tapped my chin with my finger. "Ecto-converter..." I muttered, "Ecto-converter...Hm, lemme think. Uhh...oh, here it is! In my hand!"

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