Chapter 34

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Yall do realize I read all and see all of the comments, right-

"Charlie!" Wilbur screamed as his friend went down, Tommy standing over the body.

Blood trickled through the cut, he would be fine if tended too, but he might bleed out if unattended.

Tommy's eyes seemed to flicker with the sound of Wilbur's voice. Only for a moment, you wouldn't have noticed it if you weren't looking for that hope that they were still there.

But Philza and Eret saw it, it was a flicker of hope that they've thought they've lost.

"We can get them back... I don't know how but they can't be mind controlled for long, they're stronger then that." Phil said, Eret nodded.

Wilbur wasn't mad at Tommy for hurting his friend, all of his anger was directed towards Bad and that filthy Egg that corrupted his brother.

"Tommy, don't do this, you're stronger then him." Wilbur said tears in his eyes, Tommy looked up from Charlie his sword ready to plunge in his back.

"Wilby...?" Tommy softly spoke, barely audible to hear.

"No! Kill him now!" The voice wrang both in his head and in his ears, it was painful to hear.

The struggle over Tommy's mind was immense, who knew he would be so stubborn?


Ranboo on the other hand was fighting off someone who was familiar to him but yet he didn't know who they were.

"Ranboo please, we are friends!" The voice wrang out.


Ranboo still fought like his life depended on it, but Purpled was a very experienced fighter, his brother Punz thought him all that he knows.

They exchanged blows and soon enough Ranboo knocked Purpled's sword out of his hand.

Purpled was shocked, he backed up from Ranboo who was slowly walking towards him.

"Finnish him." A voice rang out in his head.

Ranboo raised his sword and swung it down forcefully.

'Damn i thought I'd live longer then this.' Purpled thought as time moved slowly, but to his surprise, Ranboo's sword was stopped by a shield.

Punz's shield.

"You're not dying on me today little brother, I lost you once, I won't lose you again." Punz said as he pushed Ranboo with his shield, Ranboo stumbled a bit before he regained his footing.

He attacked once more but this time he saw two enemies.


Tubbo was so lost and broken through the chaos, Bad turned on him, his father is dead, and the people he trusted most are hurting people that they love.

How could everything end like this?

The stories that he was told about, they always had happy endings. His father told him he would have a happy ending.

That he would be happy, that he would have friends. His father said he would be there for his happy ending, but he's dead on the ground, his body was still warm.

Tubbo noticed how the day was slowly coming to an end, 'Monsters will come out if we don't stop this soon.' He thought.

And Tubbo got to work, he was going to find the source of these vines, and he was going to kill it.


Sapnap and Qauckity have made their way over to Karl, he was almost unconscious from the amount of blood that he has lost.

"Karl? Can you hear me?" Sapnap asked, a small groan came from Karl, it was enough to let them know that he was ok.

Sapnap got to work quickly on covering Karl's wound, he tore off the sleeve of his arm to act as a bandage for the time being.

"Here, he'll need this." Qauckity said handing him a potion of healing.

"You're so smart." Sapnap said as he took the potion pouring it on Karl's wounds, he then covered it up with the cloth so it would heal with coverage from dirt.

Karl soon came to as his wound healed, the blood started coming back due to the potions rapid healing affects.

"Thank XD you're alright, let's get you out of here it isn't safe." Sapnap said as he picked Karl up, Qauckity fought off monsters and vines that got in the way and helped them get to a safer location.


"Dad, what are we gonna do?" Wilbur asked, Tommy wasn't looking good, he was pale and the cut over his eye wasn't looking good either.

"I have an idea. If we take down Bad, we take down the outside control. We'll have to deal with the Egg for the inside control." Phil explained, Wilbur looked at Tommy. Sadness was filled in his eyes.

He knew what they had to do, he just didn't know if he was strong enough to do it.

"I can do it." Wilbur said, "No, you're far too tired and Charlie needs help. I'll do it." Techno said put of nowhere.

Wilbur thought about it but then nodded, he needed to care for his friend.

Techno looked for a way to get up to Bad, the vines protected him and have him in the air. So the only option is to climb.

He started at the bottom and worked his way to the top. He hopped from vine to vine, which was no easy task, they moved in every which way to try and knock him of, but alas, the Blood God prevailed.

He soon reached the same vine that Badboyhalo was on, and he was planning on making him pay.

He has hurt everyone he loves and cares about, Sam is dead, Tommy is taken hostage by the Egg.

He wasnt just going to stand by and watch this happen.

He was going to end it all, here and now.

"Blood for the Blood God."

Word Count: 1025


But on a serious note, thank you thank you thank you, so much, I'm in tears, you guys have been so great and its just insane 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

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