Chapter 10

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Hi lovelies :)
I cant sleep so heres a chapter!

It was that time, Tommy was going to his first lesson. Ever.

"Ok Tommy, your lessons will be held in the library. You wont have to worry about the communication barrier, your teacher knows sign language." Phil said leading Tommy down the hallways.

Tommy nodded walking a little bit behind Phil. They made it to two double doors, they were large and the wood had intricate designs on it.

"Here it is, I think you'll like your teacher, hes like you. Very adventurous and likes to learn." Phil said opening the door.

There was a man standing beside a table, he had a warm smile on his face. He was wearing formal clothing. A normal suit and tie. The pants were black and the shirt was white but the tie was a green, lime color.

"King Philza." The man said bowing after he walked towards them. He was now infront of them.

"Oh no need for that Sam! We grew up together, no need for formalities." Philza said smiling brightly.

"Right, well, hello Tommy! I'm your new teacher, you can call me Sam!" He said, he held his hand out for Tommy to shake.

Tommy only looked at his hand odly, he doesnt know how to shake someone's hand.

So instead he pulled out a coin, one that he found in the halls, turned Sam's hand, and put the coin in it.

Phil laughed at Tommy's assumption of the situation and Sam just stood there awkwardly and chuckled.

"No Tommy, when someone offers their hand, you shake it." Phil said, he grabbed Tommy's hand gently and put it in Sam's.

"Now shake it." Phil said letting go of his hand.

Tommy lifted his hand up and down slowly, and looked at Phil for confirmation that he did it right. Phil only nodded and Tommy withdrew his hand.

"Well looks like we got a lot to learn!" Sam said smiling, he didnt think Tommy didnt know the basics of human nature, so he has his work cut out for him.

"I'll leave it to you then, Sam, when your done with the lessons could you show Tommy to my office? He doesnt quite know the way there yet." Phil asked, and Sam of course said yes.

"*Bye Phil*" Tommy said as Phil was getting ready to leave.

"He says bye." Sam translated for Phil.

"Bye Toms, see you when your done." He said ruffling Tommy's hair and leaving through the big wood doors.

"Well let's get started then shall we." Sam said leading Tommy to the table he was standing at moments before.

Tommy learned different things about table etiquette and manners, he knew some manners, but as seen before, he didnt learn all of them. After he got the hang of it, he learned the current meanings of different dishes used at dinner. This part bored Tommy to death but would benefit him so he wouldnt complain, to much.

Then Tommy learned how to write his name, it wasnt very good but, he did try. He learned the letters in his name and the sounds of them. Now Tommy knows the 4 letters in his name and now when he sees them written somewhere, he knows how to read those letters.

Once Tommy grasped how to spell his name rather quickly, Sam gave him a book. Granted it had mostly pictures, Tommy read it, well, as well as he could. Sam had to help him pronounce words.

They were wraspy and didnt make sense, since he still hasn't gotten the hang of talking yet, but he was getting there.

"Alright I think we're good for today, you did great Tommy." Sam said closing the book they were reading.

"*Thank you.*" he signed.

"Of course, now let's get you back to the king. We've been here for a couple of hours, I dont see a need of you staying longer then you have to." Sam said getting up and cleaning the table off from the items they used during the lesson.

Tommy nodded and helped Sam clean up, then they were on there way to see Phil.

Tommy felt good about the lessons he learned. He learned what to say when and what utensils to use during which dish. That was very boring to him, but when he learned how to spell and recognize the letters in his name he felt accomplished.

He didnt like how he said his name, his voice was unnatural and disgusting to him. He did like how others said it though, it made him feel nice inside. He couldnt wait to show Phil what he learned.

They arrived at a door, it was at the far back of the castle in the east wing, far from where anyone would look.

Sam knocked on the door, they could hear a faint, 'come in' from inside.

Sam opened the door for Tommy and he walked in, Sam followed behind him closing the door.

In the room was a desk, with two chairs infront of it. There were paintings along the walls, nothing of any value.

Phil gestured to the seats and both Sam and Tommy sat in them.

To Tommy they were quite comfortable, it was strange.

"Tommy, how did lessons go?" Phil said putting down the papers he was looking at.

"*it went well, I liked learning the different things. Though learning about utensils was boring, but I got to learn how to spell my name and I now recognize the letters!*" tommy signed, it was a lot quicker then how he normally signed, Sam could barely keep up reading what he was saying but he got the gist of what he was saying.

Tommy's smile grew when Sam translated to Phil what he had said. Phil's smile grew too, learning that Tommy had fun with his lessons.

Tommy was different from Phil's two sons, they hated learning what they had to learn in school, but loved learning about different things outside of school.

"Here, show me, I want to see your handwriting." Phil said handing him some paper out of his desk along with a pen. (Yes they have pens, go with it).

Tommy grabbed the paper and pen, he began to write but half way through his name someone barged through the door.

"Sir, King Eret, from The Pride Kingdom is outside, he says he needs to see you, it sounds urgent Sir." A gaurd said, Tommy looked down at his name and he had scribbled on the page from being startled.

"Right, I'm coming. Sam take Tommy to his room. Find Techno and Wilbur and tell them to go there too." Phil instructed as he rushed out of the door with the guard.

"Cmon, Tommy let's get you to your room." Sam said rushing towards the door.

Tommy followed, the maids and butlers were also alarmed to the news and guards were in packs marching down hallways keeping watch.

They had made it to Tommy's room and to there dismay, Wilbur and Techno were already in there.

"Now boys, please stay in this room. Phil or I will come get you." Sam said exiting the room.
Word count: 1202

Tank you for reading 💚

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