Chapter 29

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Yo today we were supposed to get our marching band stuff and ALL of my shit was wrong. I'm stressed, I'm stress writing.

Be safe, be healthy, you're loved <3

Wilbur and his soldiers were marching outside the castle walls, scouting for anyone or anything that looked suspicious. Other soldiers lined the walls as they walked past, saluting to Wilbur when he got close.

Wilbur was rounding to the front of the castle walls, well whats left of it.

"Anything yet?" Phil asked as his son passed, Wilbur only shook his head.

Phil sighed, "Carry on then." he said dismissively.

Wilbur nodded and continued on his way his soldiers following in suit.

Something caught Wilbur's attention though, he held up his hand causing his soldiers to stop.

Oddly enough the sound of footsteps didn't stop. He faced to where the sound was coming from and to his surprise, an army of monsters were coming right for them.

"Oh XD." Wilbur said before he and his men turned around to meet back with Phil as they hadn't gotten very far. At all.

"Alright, you two" he said pointing at two soldiers, "scout out their army. Find out who the leader is and how many they have and report back." Phil instructed.

The two nodded and proceeded to scout out the upcoming enemy, skillfully they all hoped.

"The rest of you gather up anyone who isn't on a post. Then report to the center we will give you further instructions there." Phil said, they nodded and went along hastily to fulfill their task.

"Lets go Wilbur." Phil said gesturing inside, Wilbur shivered at his father's tone.

He always seemed so cruel when he talked like this but in reality he was just focused.

It scared Wilbur seeing his father like this. He missed the sweet smile and soft tone he used when him and Techno were children.

He longed for those days, the days where Techno laughed and didn't worry about the voices in his head.

The days where him and his brother would play in the village without a care.

He was so happy back then, they were so happy.

He always wondered what happened. What brought them to be so distant with each other?

But then he remembers why that's a stupid question.

They were happy when his mother was still around. Oh XD was she beautiful.

Phil loved her the moment he set eyes on her, they were in an arranged marriage ment for peace between two kingdoms.

Fortunately, they both learned to love each other, and it wasn't very hard.

They both clicked, yes they were complete opposites, but thats what made them love each other more.

Wilbur and Techno didn't know their mother for long. When they were 8 she died due to illness. It was complications with her heart.

Wilbur remembers the dull eyes of his father and bitter tone of his brother.

For Techno, not long after, the voices arrived.

It wasn't bad at first, it was just careless whispers in the back of his head, but as he got older it got worse. Much worse.

Often times Phil had to keep him from harming himself or others.

Wilbur shook his head, he doesn't want to remember these times. He already has terrible nightmares about them.

Phil was at the same table him and Eret were earlier that day and was staring down a map.

"Dad? What are you thinking?" Wilbur asked cautiously.

Phil didn't answer, he just simply kept staring at the map, like he was waiting for it to do something.

"King Philza the scouts have returned with information." Karl said with a bow.

This caught Phil's attention as he looked up towards Karl.

He nodded and walked with him to the scouts.

Wilbur scoffed, 'what a prick.' he thought to himself soon following after them.

"Report." Phil said, Eret was there also to get the information.

"Sir, they seem to have monsters of all sorts at their disposal. Ranging from zombies to creepers to enderman. We fear their numbers out match us 3 to 1." A women said.

"Thank you, you are dismissed." Phil said.

The two soldiers bowed and went to join the first group of soldiers they spotted.

"The only thing we can do is face them with the numbers we have. No need to run, we'd be gunned down by their skeletons. Are you with me King Eret?" Phil asked putting out his hand, they were going to fight and he needed to know if Eret was fully with them or not.

"Till my last breath." Eret said taking Phil's hand.

Scary to think how Erets last breath could be any second, isn't it?
Word count: 788

It wasnt long i lied :(

I lost motivation halfway through the first sentence, I hate mental health issues, pog through the pain.


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