Chapter 12

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My friend is being a bitch and making me hate myself so I'm writing to take my mind of it :)

"He did what!?" Techno screamed in anger, he was pacing back in forth in the room. The room that was once Tommy's, the room they were all happy in moments before.

"Techno I'm sorry, there was nothing I could do." Phil said, his face was still red from crying but he had to stop to tell his sons what had happened.

"I know dad, we cant have the supreme court up our ass again like they did with, with." Techno sighed, he couldnt even mention the kid that came before Tommy.

The kid that he almost killed like Tommy.

"Dont worry Techno we'll get him back, but right now, your dad and I need to make a plan on how to. So please, take it easy till then." Sam said leaving with Phil closing the door behind him.

"He wants us to take it easy? Tommy just got ripped away from us while we were asleep and he wants us to be ok with that?" Wilbur said, rage filled his once peaceful eyes.

"Wilbur, I'm upset too, but we do need to listen to Sam. Dad will come up with a plan, he did last time and he will this time." Techno said putting his hands on his shoulders.

"Well last time, that plan almost drove dad mad. I wont let him slip away, not again." Wilbur said pulling away from Technos grasp.

He left the room slamming the door behind him. No he wasnt mad at Techno, or anyone in particular. He was just mad that the world was cruel.

--(With Tommy)--

"Tommy, I just want you to know that, I didnt want to take you away from them because I wanted too, it's because I had too. Legally they could get in alot of trouble with the supreme court again. Just think of this as a vacation." Eret said reassuring Tommy that everything was going to be ok, but in all honesty that just gave him more anxiety.

"Tommy, when we get there, do you think you would want to meet someone? He's my brother, well not by blood but you dont need to be blood related to be family. So how bout it?" Eret asked, his smile was genuine and warm. Tommy didnt sense any evil in him, he looked and seemed like a genuine guy.

So Tommy nodded and excepted Erets offer.

They rode in the carriage quietly awaiting the arrival to their kingdom, well Tommy's new home.

They finally arrived after 30 minutes, it wasnt far but it feels like it when you're in a carriage with a stranger.

Tommy got out after Eret, Fundy rode on his own horse nothing but memories were brought with him. He dropped everything for this job.

They were greated at the door with a boy, he had half white half black hair, with one eye being emerald green and another being red like blood.

'Well they look like a bad ass' Tommy thought to himself.

"Tommy, this is my little brother Ranboo, Ranboo meet Tommy. He'll be staying here a little while." Eret said introducing us.

Ranboo seemed timid, Tommy picked up on this and held his hand out with a warm smile. Ranboo excepted it and shook it gently, he replicated the smile.

"Great now that you're both acquainted, Ranboo why dont you show Tommy around! I have to go settle some legal logistics and then we're all set." Eret said clapping his hands together.

"Sure, c'mon." Ranboo said walking towards two large double doors.

Tommy followed, and was astonished at how different the two castles were.

The Pride Kingdom has marble, everywhere while The Artic Kingdom used cobblestone as there foundation.

The marble was nice, and very fancy. Tommy missed his old home very badly but he had hope that maybe him and Ranboo could be friends.

"So, um, I guess we could just skip a lame tour and head to my room? There isnt much to see. Every castle is the same, easy to map out and remember. They all have the same lay out." Ranboo said walking towards stairs.

Tommy just nodded, he didnt know if Ranboo knew sign language but he thought it would be fine he could just have Wil- he almost forgot Wilbur wasnt with him anymore. He was now alone.

They promised him they would be with him, they would be a family together. That Phil would buy him a violin, they would pay back his crimes.

All he wanted was a family but now hes lost two families and neither of them were coming back.

"Its just up here, to the left." Ranboo said interrupting Tommy's panic.

Tommy unknowingly followed Ranboo, and now they were in his room.

It was big and filled with books and vines that grew on the wall.

He had a dresser beside the door and a swinging chair in the corner. He had a king size bed against the wall adjacent from the door.

Tommy looked at Ranboos room, taking everything in. It was quite breathtaking to him.

"*it's really cool*" Tommy signed, he felt bad because he didnt know If Ranboo knew sign but he was giving it a try.

"Ya think? I thought it was overkill, all the vines and books and stuff." He said looking around, then back to Tommy.

"*Nah, it's cool.*" Tommy signed again, smiling cheekily.

"Well, I got plenty of books if you like reading and then theres also the bed if you like sleeping, or we can talk if you want?" Ranboo said talking with his hands very exaggerativly.

"*We can just talk*" Tommy said, Ranboo sat down on his bed and patted the spot infront of him.

Tommy sat down crisscrossing his legs.

And they just talked, they talked about anything and everything. Tommy forgot, just for a moment, that he wasnt home, with Phil and his broth- friends.

He forgot that they abandoned him and gave him away to a stranger, he forgot that he really wasnt ok with this. All because a stranger opened up to him.

They went through the same thing, Tommy and Ranboo made a vow that day.

That no one, and they mean no one, will tear them apart. They will always be friends maybe even family.

They wont be separated from each other and they wont let each other cry alone.

They were each others, other half.

They came from common backgrounds, they stole to survive and got betrayed by the ones they loved, ripped away just to join another family.

They saw them selves the same way, they knew, deep down that they weren't royalty, not even close.

That they were just thieves who stole anything they ever had. They never worked for what they had gotten.

It was given to them by someone who would or already has thrown them away.

That's when they decided they control their fates.

After several hours of talking, after bonding, after crucially planning, they decided to leave the royal life. Forever.

And never return.

Word count: 1197

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