Chapter 17

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Ayup, so with this story almost finnished, I have started and posted the first chapter of a new book!

Ok, now on with the chapter :D

"Ranboo are you and Tommy done?" Purpled shouted, he was across from them on a different hill.

Ranboo nodded, then they sat and waited for Purpleds signal.

They saw bodies dropping, not because they were dead but because they were being knocked unconscious.

Tommy and Ranboo realised this, they knew their family was after them but they doubted they would except them back.

They had hope though, they never did stop putting up missing posters for them.

Purpled shot up from his spot, sword in hand. He was fighting against someone, and that someone was known as The Blood God.

"Damn" Tommy said seeing his older brother and friend fight.

Purpled gave the signal, Ranboo hesitated but Tommy was quick to react. He was about to pull the leaver,

"Stop." a voice said from behind Tommy, there was a sword now pressed against Ranboos neck. They had his brother.

Tommy immediately put his hands up and stood from his crouching position. The man holding Ranboo was none other than his brother, Prince Wilbur.

"I'm sorry." Ranboo said, Tommy only shook his head, he knew it wasnt Ranboos fault he got snatched.

"You boys will be coming with me, you're under arrest." Wilbur said, guards came out from their posts and grabbed Tommy's hands from the air and tied them behind his back, doing the same to Ranboo.

Before walking away, Tommy kicked the leaver setting off explosions everywhere, in the midst of the chaos, Tommy and Ranboo booked it down the hill.

The explosions wouldnt kill anyone, they were to small for that, they instead created a distraction for anyone and everyone to escape.

"After them!" The prince declared, and soon enough the guards were right behind them.

They ran until they were faced with two other familiar faces.

King Philza and Prince Technoblade, or nicknamed The Blood God, were standing right infront of them, they both had their swords put pointing towards the kids.

Another explosion went off, not one that they had set though, this was the works of someone else. It knocked both Tommy and Ranboo back. The king and prince were protected by gaurds.

When the dust cleared, all of the criminals were reprimanded but the sight of what was infront of them shocked them.

Tommy, his hood and goggles being knocked off, was bleeding out. Ranboo, with his goggles also knocked off, laid unconscious but not bleeding.

"Ranboo!" Eret yelled pushing past the guards, he cradled Ranboo and held his face gently.

"Tommy.." Wilbur said kneeling down to him, a spear that had been on the ground had pierced his thigh.

Wilbur acted fast and tore off the sleeve of his shirt and tied it around the wound to stop blood flow. He then gently, with the help from Techno, lifted his leg and pulled the spear out.

This time Techno tore off his sleeve and wrapped it on the wound. It stopped the bleeding, for now.

"Oh my god, we finnaly found them." Phil said, he picked Tommy up bridal style, Eret did the same for Ranboo, and they both carried them back to their horses.

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