Chapter 1

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Hello :)

"Tommy let's get going!" His father screamed.

"Coming dad!" Tommy said.

Tommy is a 6 year old boy going on a trip with his mother and father. They were going camping.

Tommy ran downstairs with his bag and was greeted by his mother smiling warmly.

"Ready to go Toms?" She said in her sweet toned voice.

He nodded and was practically bouncing off the walls with how much energy and excitement was building up in him.

She giggled at his energy and turned to her husband.

"Are the horses saddled?" She asks.

"Yes love, we can head out whenever you guys are ready." He said taking Tommy's bag and also his wive's outside.

"Alright Toms.." she kneeled down infront of him "..we are going on an adventure and it's going to take awhile to get there so I'm going to need you to be on your best behavior for me, ok?" She said fixing the strings on his jacket.

"Adventure! Adventure!" Was all he could get out before his mother scooped him up and placed him on her hip.

She walked out the door and carried him to the side of the house, near a barn.

His father was standing there with two horses, one pure white and another chocolate brown with white patches here and there.

"Let me help you." He said grabbing Tommy.

She stepped on the horse and got settled. She grabbed Tommy placing him infront of her and grabbed the reins.

He then got on his own horse, being the white one, and also got settled.

"Let's goooooooo!" Tommy said impatiently dragging out the 'o'.

His mother giggled as his father sighed. They both flick their wrists to signal to the horses to start going.

Soon enough they were off on there first and last adventure.

3 hours have past with just 1 more to go and Tommy was knocked out cold, he hadn't gotten much sleep the night before from all of his excitement he had built up.

They were far away from a village in any direction, they were completely alone.

They left early enough to make it there before mobs would come out, those nasty monsters that roam the lands when the sunsets and the moon shines in all its glory.

It was fucking terrible.

The hour finnaly passed and Tommy was still asleep. They had arrived at the campsite they were going to stay at.

It was deep in the woods in a cleared but fenced in area, they set up two separate tents. One for them and one for Tommy.

Tommy had woken up to the smell of burnt steak, and what sounded like metal clashing against someone or something.

Tommy walked out of his tent groggily to see his father protecting his mother.

"Momma? What's going on?" He asks, he was confused by the beasts infront of his father, and his father wasnt winning. Tommy understood this but his mother decided to disregard that.

"Tommy! Baby! Go back inside the tent-" she was cut off by her husbands screams in agony.

He was being torn to shreds by a green monster, tearing away at his flesh and ignored his screams and pleads for them to stop. Until he heard no more scream.

"Dad!" Tommy screamed in pain falling to his knees, tears were spilling from his eyes.

His mother ran to his side pulling him to get up.

"Take this sword and run! I'll distract them. Run far and deep into the woods and dont look back!" She said shoving the sword into her sons hands.

"But- NO you need to go now!" His mother interupted him, this time pushing him towards the woods.

He nodded and ran, ran as far as he could.

"Goodbye my little songbird.."

Tommy could hear the screams of his mother, she was in so much pain yet Tommy didnt turn back, he couldnt.

His mother said to run and that's what he did and that's what he'll do for the rest of his life.

Just run.

Word count: 675

Chapters will be longer! This was just the start of a story so it was shorter then I wanted but yk its cool.

So this story is basically minecraft but with different things to fit my story, I hope that made sense.

Any questions feel free to ask! Okiokioki byebye now :)

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