Chapter 16

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I just won my game so I'm pretty happy, so heres a chapter thatll be filled with happy- ish :D

"*Do you regret it?*" Ranboo asked.

They were sitting in one of the many camps they had set up, they were eating dinner, well if you can call it that.

"*Every day*" Tommy signed back.

They were having fun on their own, no royal duties or lessons, they even got more skilled with swords or any weapon you gave them. They just really missed their brothers.

"*Me too.*" Ranboo answered.

"*Maybe we can accidentally get cought or something.*" Tommy signed, Ranboo laughed.

"*Yea, and then be punished for our crimes.*" Ranboo said laughing more, Tommy joined in.

"What are you guys laughing about?" Sapnap asked walking up to them.

"Nothing, what're you doing over here? I thought you had a thing to do with Qauckity?" Ranboo asked, they've met so many new faces over the year, itd be a shame if they left them.

"Nah man, hes with Karl, something about a house for sale." Sapnap answered, he sat down beside Ranboo. He had his own bowl of mush, it's the best they had so they didnt complain, much.

"Oh right, when's the wedding again?" Ranboo asked nudging Sapnaps shoulder.

"Dude, dont even start. We just started dating like a month ago." Sapnap said, he started laughing at the thought of them getting married.

"*Makes sense.*" Tommy said, he went back to eating a bit more of his mush, it wasnt very tasty.

They ate in silence watching other people mingle and pass by. They started talking about different conversations that they eased dropped on.

They soon heard screaming and yelling, they heard bows being fired and swords clanking together.

"MASKS!" They could hear someone yell, it was Purpled.

They all kept their identities a secret, wearing a hood, mask, and some form of goggle to hide their facial features.

They decorated them how they wanted, just for the fun of it.

"Spread out, Ranboo, Tommy, your with me! Everyone else front and center. If you get captured, dont, you'll wish you were dead. Let's move!" Purpled barked out orders once more.

"Yes Purpled?" Ranboo said running beside him, Tommy not far behind.

"You dudes wanna go out with a bang?" Purpled asked holding up tnt.

"Oh hell yea!" Ranboo answered, Tommy clapped.


"Does everyone know the plan?" Techno asked, he was in a meeting with Eret, Hbomb, and Foolish.

They were all neighboring kingdoms that were suffering from these attacks. They had gotten word that one of their camps were located behind a false vine wall.

"Yes, we shall finnaly put an end to this rebellion, and hopefully find your boys." Hbomb answered, he put a comforting hand on Erets shoulder.

"Right, remember, no killing. They're disguised and we dont know who is who. Take as many prisoners as you can." Techno warned. "And with that, this meeting is adjourned, now if you'll excuse me, I need to get the King." Techno said leaving the meeting room.

Phil and Wilbur, they've changed. A lot.

Techno walked to his fathers office, he'd have more of a chance talking some sense in his father, then recruit him to get him to convince his stubborn twin.

Just a Thief.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang