16| Let the Water Hold Me Down

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No fun chugging lake water, is it? Choke on this, bitch!

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Ivy, Emily and Hanna were sat at the kitchen counter. Ashley was making coffee and Hanna was on the phone to Lucas' mom. Hanna hung up the phone and spoke, "Lucas called his parents today." She said. Emily and Ivy shared a look.

"And he's still not home?" Ashley speculated. "They must be going out of their minds. Did he say where he is, where he's been?" She asked. The three girls didn't answer. There was nothing but silence.

"Was there drinking at this party?" Ashley asked.

Emily lifted her head and stared at her with wide eyes, "No." The three returned to looking at their hands. Leaving Ashley to just stare at them. "Did he argue with someone?" Ashley continued to press. "Hanna! Ivy!"

"We don't know." The two answered simultaneously.

Ashley sighed, "I should call them. Can you give me their home number?" Hanna shook her head, "No. Why do you have to call them?" She questioned her.

"Because my daughter hosted a party that their son has yet to return from. I should at least take some responsibility for that. Look, I know you're upset and frustrated that your friend is going through something and he ran off instead of turning to you for help. I'm sure when he's ready, Lucas will tell you what's going on with him." Ashley explained.

Hanna, Emily and Ivy shared a look, making Emily speak up, "Um, we should go to Spencer's." The three stood up. "Aren't you going to see her at school?" At Ashley's question Ivy was panicking, she didn't know what to say, she couldn't think of a lie fast enough. Luckily Emily stepped in before Ivy accidentally gave it away, "We have a group presentation, and we need to run it one more time." She lied.

The three got up before Ashley could ask anymore questions.

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Spencer tipped her bag upside down, releasing the contents onto the counter. "'A' was definitely in my lake house." Spencer told them.

The group analysed the objects in front of them. Ivy picked up the packet of gum and popped a piece in her mouth. "You found these in the attic?" Aria asked. "The picture Caleb decrypted off 'A's cellphone of the dolls, that was taken at the lake house." Emily said.

"Looks like 'A' got pretty cosy." Aria mumbled. "Well, my family never uses that house after Labour Day. It's the perfect place to set up an evil lair." Spencer said, fumbling with a piece of paper in her hand. "And look. Just look at the date on this." She handed the receipt to Hanna. Ivy looked over at it as well.

"Wait, that's around the time Caleb and I went up there. 'A' was in the lake house when Caleb and I were..." Hanna trailed off as Spencer interrupted, "'Fraternising' on my nana's sofa." Hanna looked around at the group, "Alright, who told?"

"It doesn't matter. There are, like, four bedrooms up there with actual beds in them."

Hanna rolled her eyes and Emily started talking, "Did you guys see anybody, hear anything?" She asked. "Em, we were kind of busy."

Ivy started playing with the necklace around her neck as she listened to the conversation. "Ok, so, wait. You said that Lucas went up in the attic like he knew his way around?" Aria asked. Ivy nodded, "He was probably trying to clean up after Garrett and Jenna." She replied.

HIDDEN SECRETS - jason dilaurentisTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang