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𝔄𝔲𝔱 𝔳𝔦𝔞𝔪 𝔦𝔫𝔳𝔦𝔞𝔪 𝔞𝔲𝔱 𝔣𝔞𝔠𝔦𝔲𝔪 -
ℑ 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔞 𝔴𝔞𝔶 𝔬𝔯 𝔪𝔞𝔨𝔢 𝔬𝔫𝔢.

Anstasia's POV

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Ughh, I knew this was a stupid exercise! You know what, I should just go inside.

I pushed the door open and entered the classroom - 5 minutes late. First impressions? Yeah, I'd be pretty memorable. But I also couldn't go without my cold coffee, or I'd be cranky the whole day and trust me, that won't be pretty.

"You're 5 minutes late Ms.?" the professor asked. He looked in his mid 50s, wearing a shirt under his sweater vest with trousers.

" Romano. Anastasia Romano."

"Miss Romano" he said as he lowered his glasses and rested them on his nose, giving me a skeptical look.

"This is your only warning Ms. Romano. Arriving late in class is unacceptable. I hope you don't repeat your mistake." he warned, sternly looking around the class for an empty seat.

"Yes Professor. I'm sorry."

" Go ahead and sit besides Mr. D'Angelo" he announced as he put his glasses back on and started reading from the book in his hand. I really didn't want to sit with a guy, but latecomers don't really get an option now, do they?

I looked around the room and saw a guy raising his hand in the very back, next to the window in a bored fashion. I made my way up to the back of the auditorium somehow managing my coffee, phone, books and stationery without dropping anything. Whew! That's applaudable for my clumsy ass.

Why isn't my phone in my pocket you might ask? Well, sorry to break your bubble, but our jean pockets aren't meant to kept anything, ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING in them.

Anastasia's outfit ⬆

That D'Angelo guy put his things away as I was climbing the stairs, making space for me. I gave him a smile as I sat in my seat. He looked at me in judging manner as he eyed my body and then went back to his work. Okay, rude! But I'll stick to staying as far away from guys as possible, I'll stick to my plan.

I arranged my materials on the table and looked up at the board. 'DR. EDWARD KNIGHT ➤ LITERATURE

" As I was saying, my name is Dr. Edward Knight. You can call me Professor Knight or Professor Edward - whatever you're comfortable with." He continued introducing himself, strolling on his elevated professor stage thingy. He went on to talk about our course and what was expected of us for the semester.

I couldn't pay attention in the class in last 10 minutes no matter how I bribed my brain. So I started looking around the class so that I could memorise a few faces and atleast know who my classmates were. I noticed a few girls looking at me angrily. Well, why? And then I saw a few others looking at the D'Angelo guy, with lust. And that's when I understood where that anger came from. But wasn't this seat empty? You could've sat here, not my fault sweetie. And that's when the professor's announcement caught my attention.

" This semester, you're going to work in pairs. It's your first year in University so it'll help you socialise as well. I'll start assigning you pairs now." He searched his table for something and then picked out a piece of paper and started to call out names." Albert Hall and Adelina Gray. You're the first pair. Anastasia Romano and Asher D'Angelo. Azhar Sheikh and Blake Lopez. "

I looked besides me as I saw him watching me. He looked pretty hot in a black turtleneck and black jeans. He had two chains dangling on his neck. I moved my eyes a little lower when I saw it. Oh! My! God!

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