Chapter 20: A memory that is locked

Start from the beginning

They sat together and eat the food they have and it was pretty delicious.

Yogi: (smirk) Never knew clones can be great chefs, I wonder why the Grand army of Republic train some Clones to make food.

Weisz: Guess they always wanna make clones fight other droids rather then cook.

Yogi: Maybe but still this food is delicious.

Shiki: Hey Pino do you needed food to eat?

Pino: (smile) I am fine. I am a android so I can't eat as normally as you all, I have to drink fuel in order to stay online.

Shiki: (tears) That's so sad. You can't be happy how the food will taste like.

Weisz: Come on man, no more of that!

Yogi: (chuckle) Same old Shiki.

Pino: (smile) But....during that VR video game adventure I was actually enjoy being a human and wished I can be one again.

Weisz: (smirk) I still remember you passing out when I show you Pino as a human Yogi.

Yogi: I didn't pass out! I asleep after I saw the picture?

Shiki: Like passing out?

Yogi: Yeah like tha- No! Nothing like that!

Pino: (smile) It's fine, I know you like my human form and maybe I can be a real human some day.

Yogi: (smile) Well when ever that happens, I'll help you.

Shiki: (smile) Same.

Weisz: (smile) Me too.

Pino smiles but then a Clone behind them laughs ans said.

???: A droid being a human? Now that's cute but I rather not believe of your wish.

They turn to see how said that and a Arc trooper was staring down at them whioe he have his arms folded.

They turn to see how said that and a Arc trooper was staring down at them whioe he have his arms folded

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Shiki: (anger) What was that?

???: Droids can't be humans and I laugh if it turns out she can't. Droids like her doesn't deserve to be humans.

Yogi: Hey! Watch it.

???: And what are you gonna do Mandalorian?

The two glare at each other while other clones turns ti see what's about to happen when Doom appears and breaks them up.

Doom: That's enough both of you!

???: Yes sir.

The Arc trooper walks off while they watch him go.

Shiki: Man who was that jerk?

Doom: That's Arc trooper Wolverine. He's a type of Arc trooper clone that hated his enemies and never seem to forget it even after the Clone wars.

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