Cry and bleed dear.

14 0 0

I'm beginning to digress so much,it's becoming a joke.

Maybe I should get to it and narrate the entire story already.

I mean,yeah,it'd take a while,but at least it'd finally be off my chest.

Let's do that.

Let me take you to the very beginning.

No not my childhood.

That's quite boring.

Though I'm sure by now you would have figured out the basics...

;I've lived a sad life.

But when I say beginning.

I mean,when my life started going left and south.

Let's go there.


The apex of my anguish started at the cliché setting of a run down coffee shop.
I was sipping a cup of mediocre tasting latte(because I'm not a fan of coffee),wondering why the sun had refused to unveil itself and why the cloud held a threatening look.

I prayed rain wouldn't fall,and cursed my forgetfulness at not bringing along an umbrella.

That would have solved just a docile percentage of my problems,but at least I wouldn't end up looking like a wet rabbit when I'd arrive home.

Now my actual problem was staring back at me from the laptop screen atop the table,mocking at me,and imaginarily poking at my nerves.

I was really beginning to get fed up with all the research I had to do,and I hadn't even started yet.

School just wasn't for me.

I was kidding of course;because if I was being completely honest,I'd admit,the only reason I still had to start my research was my inability to decide the perfect topic.

I already had a list of topics to try,yet none of them struck my fancy;they were all just... there,so plain they left me indecisive.

I needed a killer topic,a great piece,one that'd leave the class stunned.

One that'd reaffirm the trust my personality psychology professor held towards me.

One that even I would be proud of.

Yet the impossibility of finding such a topic stung me.

I rolled my eyes away from the infuriating screen of my laptop and focused my attention on the plain walls,the only view of the shop that wouldn't leave you throwing up.

The counter was also tolerable.

And maybe the doors.

But the chairs and tables,that's another story.

My ears perked up as the doors jingled open and a stranger walked in,

It was only expected that I'd be curious enough to give him a quick once over;just checking to see if he was also ignorant enough to forget an umbrella.

Nope he had one,held by his left hand,

The other hand lazed around in his jacket pocket,

I strayed my eyes lower,to the tight black jeans that hugged his slim thighs,and the glint of his leather.

I didn't realise my cup in midair was about to drop off my distracted hands until he turned around and looked right at me.

My heart did that skip thing it usually did when you're freaked out or caught doing something you shouldn't have,though I managed to duck my head down,to sip from my cup,just in time.

Feigning casual.

In situations like these,I withdraw from my environment and frame out random thoughts to keep me grounded.

To keep my heart from crashing out of my chest.

The stupid thing made breathing difficult,I couldn't even make out the taste of my coffee anymore.

Cool the fuck down.

I would have,if his lingering eyes would wander somewhere else.

The dude was still staring.

I could tell because I knew humans,I'm  studying psychology for crying out loud.

Human behaviour was a piece of cake for me.

And so was this....guy.

Oh my God,I just spoke perversely about a stranger.

He could be someone's dad for all I know.

He didn't look like someone's dad though--

"Oh my God".I screeched when the brimming liquid splashed over my lap,and the cup crashed underneath me,spilling the remnant liquid on the disgusting floor.

Now it looks even worse.

"Shit".I whisper-cursed,while intentionally chiding away from looking up.

Because,how embarrassing would that be.

The waiter behind the counter would probably ask for the cup to be replaced,how much would a cup that thick cost?

"Are you okay?".

I whipped my head up,shocked that I hadn't noticed someone around me,even more shocked at who said person turned out to be.

"Yeah".I stuttered,I'm no good with conversing to strangers."You?".

Okay,I suck,like what the hell.

I dared to look up at him,and was immediately stunned at how close he was,as he crouched down to access my thighs.

He smiled as he traced a line down my pants."Did it burn?".

"No".I lied and not so discreetly swatted his hands away from my jeans .He looked up right then and lifted a perfectly arched brow.

"What?".A part of me had asked,another part was slowing getting lost into his pale blue eyes,they were so familiar,but strange at the same time.

"You should take these off".He tugged at my jeans.

The hell.

I widened my eyes and tried to ignore how red my neck probably looked."Well I can't do that here genius".

He smiled again,like he couldn't read into my rude outburst;that I was beginning to think he was a creep.

"I have a spare if you want,or more preferably,there's a boutique close by,I could get you a new pair".He smiled yet again,that I had to admit how breathtakingly beautiful his smile was.

"Do you have a kid?".

He scrunched his brows,and his confused expression made me want to punch myself, but then his creases smoothened and a smirk was revealed.

"No I don't,so you're free to flirt with me".He chuckled at the visible red around my cheeks,they had gone beetroot,I was going to die of embarrassment."I was joking belle".

I faked a laugh and shook my head at my failed attempt at gaining composure.

I was smitten.

"Shall we?".He had his hands on the knob on the opened glass doors,he had his eyes on me.

I clutched my laptop to my chest,broken cup forgotten,and walked out after a quick nod.

I could tell he still had those pale blues on me,it made me so self conscious but confident at the same time,I felt alive.

I couldn't help but think I had found my muse,

The inspiration for my new topic.

A/N--This would not be continued from the next chapter,the narrator only wanted to narrate how she met the pale blue eyed hottie.

Quick question,who do you think the blue eyed hottie is?

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