Bland smile.

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I didn't want to remember him,


Anything but him.

But with the expectant look on Tyler's face,I knew I had to,though that didn't explain why MF Justine was sat beside him.

Why did she have to be here again?

She was avoiding my eyes.

I feel flushed that she may have heard me curse at her,so I avoid her eyes too.

"There's a reason you did what you did".

"Everyone's got a reason for the things they do".I butt in,like the smart-ass I am,but more out of fear for what I might spill.

Don't spill the beans.

Don't spill the beans.

"I know that".The corner of his lips quirk up,and for the first time in what feels like forever,he smiles a genuine smile.

I on the other hand am more pissed he spent his smile on something so flimsy.

What a waste.

"Tell him what you know dear--

She shuts up at the glare I send her way.


I want her lips sealed for eternity.

Tyler coughs into his fists,gives me a look I can read,

Stop making things difficult for us,but mostly yourself,it said.

How I got so used to reading into gestures is beyond me,but I nod.

Ready to spill the beans.


I have only ever wanted to die once in my entire twenty one years on earth,

Ironically,it was the best day of my life.

Wrapped under and around very comfy cushions,

Hidden beneath sheets that held a foul stench to its soft material,

Stained from the top to the bottom.

I was so exhausted I thought I was in a dream.

The creamy kind.

The one where you're hopping on unicorns,

Dancing with pink monkeys.

With one particular monkey standing out from the rest,

because it keeps holding your hands and smiling sweetly.

Like I said,it was a creamy dream.

If only the stench from the bloody sheets would go away,

Then it would have been perfect.

They are mine--my blood I mean.

But I am unable to tell from where it comes.

Confusion coat my sweaty face as I realise the absence of pain.

I felt fine.

To further prove my point,I moved to stretch my limbs but ended up mistakenly smacking soft skin.

Another batch of confusion ensued.

I raised my head and my gaze fell upon a very familiar face.

He had a lot of freckles on his nose,

He had pale blue eyes that stared back dauntingly,

His eyes spoke words;words that would have been clearer if his lips weren't dripping blood.

What a strange sight to behold.

Surprisingly enough,I wasn't fazed by it.

Rather,I smiled,

I even stretched my hands higher to touch his sticky skin,

I even drew a path down his jawline and traced the freckles scattered across his nose.

Under my touch,he was lovely looking.

Admittedly,silence suited him.

A certain type--the one I gave.

I had chuckled under my breath and yawned out loud,and my taut muscles had made a cracking noise as I collapsed back unto the sheets.

This was very different from the normal.

His right hand should be pressed to my lips,

His teeth should be nipping at my collarbone,

He shouldn't be so still,

He always denied me access to my vocal chords,

Because he didn't like the sound of my moans.

Something was definitely not right.

So I had fumbled with his shirt,and checked his pulses,I even tried getting him to blink,yet he stayed unmoving.

The creamy dream slowly turned into a lollipop nightmare.

My favourite monkey was dead.

A/N--Miss narrator is at it again,giving us hardly enough information to piece together.

Funny question but.....

Can you tell who she was referring to as her favourite monkey?

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