Chapter XCI

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Luna was stuck in darkness, blindly struggling forward, as though she'd been sucked into the watery crevice on Moraband again, just that it wasn't water this time.

The liquid was swirling around, pulling at her hair, dragging icy claws through her very core even as she heard a scream of pure anguish and pain. Fire spread through her, as though she was combusting internally.

Then, suddenly, she was on solid ground at the foot of an ornamental door placed in the middle of nowhere, though the internal combustion was still happening even without the presence of the strange liquid. Her head began pounding as words began rushing into her head like the thundering beat of war drums.

Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?

The voice thrummed in her head, a tangible entity that was not of her but was in her fighting to be heard and let out though there was nothing Luna could do. She tried to scream, tell whatever it was that she didn't know and to leave her alone even as her eyes traveled towards the doorway to see a blurred figure watching her.

Yelling at her.

"I DON'T KNOW!!!!"


"Luna! Luna! Wake up! Luna!"

Luna's eyes flashed open, a scream still on her lips even as she thrashed one last time before relaxing as much as she was able, realizing she was awake. Ahsoka was on top of her, pinning her to the floor of her cabin. The ex-Shadow gasped for air, suddenly realizing her own lungs seemed to be lacking.

"Are you back?" Ahsoka asked. The human managed a small nod, still gasping like a fish out of water. The Grey Jedi moved off of her, allowing Luna to shakily sit up as she caught her breath. The adrenaline was already fading fast, not surprising considering Luna had been running on adrenaline for Force knew how long, and she could already feel the developing bruises from falling out of bed and ramming herself into whatever had been close enough before Ahsoka arrived.

"Sorry," the girl said, voice hoarse from all her screaming as Ceberus moved to her side, eyeing his mistress worriedly.

"They're getting worse, Luna," Ahsoka stated, voice carrying concern the darkness would have otherwise hidden.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Luna, I don't care about being woken up night after night. I care about the fact that you are going to get yourself killed if this keeps up."

"I'll be fine."

"You've been saying that since before Moraband. And it's been worse ever since you've gotten back."

"Worse, maybe. Not clearer."

"....No more missions."


"No more missions, Luna. Not until you've actually managed to sleep three nights through without this happening."

"Ahsoka, you can't!"

"I can and I will. I'm not going to let you recklessly throw your life away."

"The Rebellion needs us!"

"Not with the way things are they don't! One of these days you're going to get yourself killed, or worse, captured."

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