Chapter LVII

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"It looked nicer on Earth," Luna grumbled as she climbed out of the Delta, wrinkling her nose at the swamp smell before landing on the squishy soil, the humid air weighing on her to the point she'd half swear swinging a bucket around would collect a decent amount of water. Kaytee bleeped something that the human ignored for the most part as she picked up her camping gear from the fighter's wing and triggered the canopy to close with the Force. "Stay with the Delta. I'd wager Artoo's been around here enough for most things to know better than to eat you."

"How reassuring."

"For Force's sake, if you feel unsafe, just shoot it. If I can't find anything, this way, I'll be back in a few hours."

"And if you aren't?" the droid tootled.

"Then I found him. If you really want to you can come join me I guess. We shouldn't be here longer than a day or two."

"And then off to Sith Space? Might I remind you what happened last time—"

"I was young and foolish. It wasn't anything Vader couldn't handle, and it won't be anything I can't handle now. Besides, we aren't there yet. First I have to talk to a Jedi," Luna responded, sounding exactly as she felt: miserable at the prospect. The last time she had seen Yoda, it had been over holocall shortly before Anakin turned. Force knew what the Grand Master thought of her now.

Maybe her mother had raced ahead to try and placate him like Old Ben did for Luke. Luna doubted it though; it wasn't as though Angelica had a habit of doing much for her own daughter.

Maybe Obi-Wan would at least help her? Maybe? Yes, she had watched rather emotionlessly as Vader cut him down a few years back, but if she needed it, he would help, right?

Who am I kidding? No one ever helps me. You'll face Yoda the same way you've faced everything else: Alone, the ex-Shadow thought to herself, melancholy weighing down her shoulders as she turned to face the forest, listening to the Force for a hint of her path. "See you later, Kay."

And with that, Luna began her trek through the wilderness. As she had noted earlier, Dagobah definitely didn't quite live up to the impression it had given from off the big screen on Earth. She had initially chosen the section of the planet more likely to be experiencing midday from space to land, but considering her trajectory, Luna had landed in the more late afternoon time zone due to the Force guiding her in said direction through the clouds that had blinded all other senses and instruments. The forest was, therefore, darker than she had originally anticipated—not that the near ridiculous amount of tree cover, mists, and clouds helped matters.

"I wonder if this is what the Everglades are like," Luna muttered to herself as she moved through the misty forest, keenly listening with help from the Force as unknown animals scurried away from her movement in the undergrowth. There were creatures of all sorts here, likely many yet to be named. That said, it was doubtful any non-aquatic predator would consider her prey on this planet—Luke had never been attacked to her knowledge—but it was better safe than sorry.

It'd be nice if I knew the general layout of locations. That clearing I landed the Delta in looked a bit familiar, but if there had been any marks of an X-Wing, they're long gone. Besides, there's probably hundreds of clearings on this planet that are near lakes and ponds. Maybe I should have tried to find Luke's crash trail, couldn't be all that overgrown yet.

"No," Luna said aloud, shaking her head as she rejected the concept. Eyes and sensors are useless here, and I don't know if I could find something like that with the Force alone, there's so much life in this place.

She let out a heavy sigh as she paused to shift the weight of her pack. Luna was already feeling a bit sweaty from the humidity. Deciding to forgo some cation—the woods may be restless and unknown but she had been a Sith's Shadow and had faced far worse—Luna popped one of the airpod equivalents into her right ear, setting the song on a loop, as she closed her eyes, reaching out.

"Feel the Force.

Feel the Force.

You were born,

For more than this,

You've got a talent that's hidden deep within.

It's time for your training to begin.

You'll unleash your ability,

When you believe in it's possibility.

Your focus becomes reality....

So feel the Force,

Flowing through,

The energy,

Surrounding you.


Clear your mind,

The power will be your ally.

Feel the Force.

(Feel the Force.)

Feel the Force

(Feel the Force)

Life creates it, makes it grow,

It's a ballance...a tension,

In time you can control,

When you unlearn all you know.

Use your instincts, reaching out...."

Luna couldn't help the small smile that snuck it's way onto her face as she listened, singing under her breath as she hiked in half meditation while the Force guided her forward towards where she would eventually find the old Jedi Master who would likely be cross with her at the very least—she didn't know what to expect for the worse nor did she really want to find out.

But what could she say? Vader's ex-Shadow was still a fan at heart (despite her best attempts otherwise) and RoyishGoodLooks made awesome music that took her mind off of what was yet to come.

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