Chapter XI

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Leia had seen a lot of things in her life, one of which included Vader taking down an entire army by himself.

And yet, she was worried.

Worried because it was only Vader in his TIE against an entire wing of Imperial TIEs.

Worried because they were still running through the halls of the base.

Worried because Luna had shown up and had forced them to leave her behind.

Worried because the reactor probably should have blown by now.

Worried because she could sense the Hands getting closer.

Worried because she knew either Luke or Han would be the next person to stay behind and buy time, because she was too important for the Rebellion to lose.

Worried because she knew that if it came down to it, she would leave both of them behind to die.

Leia didn't want to have to do that. It was bad enough knowing that she wouldn't have done anything different for Alderaan, she couldn't live with herself if she did it to Luke or Han....

And then, they reached the door to the landing pad. Leia siently praised the Force.

The ship that they had come in had been reduced to rubble at some point. The high security crates were still in place, but ready to be moved, as if the people who had been moving them had suddenly been pulled away from their jobs. The sky was filled with TIEs. Leia managed to pick out Vader's fighter among the chaos after a moment. She also saw another unrecognizable fighter tailing her father's TIE and picking off some of the Imperials. Probably a friend of Luna's if Leia had to guess, Luna would probably still be pinned down. Or possibly Fulcrum.

Then again, the fighter's paint scheme looked a lot like something Eclipse would use. Dark colored but not all black.

"Chewie, how far out are you?" Han asked. Chewie replied with something that Leia didn't catch. "Then find an opening! We're sitting mynocks!!"

"Do you think we should steal some crates?" Luke asked, grabbing Leia's attention. "They're all ready to go, and I'd like to see if Luna's guess was right."

"Maybe if we have the chance we'll grab some," Han muttered, watching the sky.

On the Wings of ValkyrieOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora