Chapter XXVIII

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The point on which a lever rests or is supported and on which it pivots. A thing that plays a central or essential role in an activity, event, or situation.



A thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses. A deceptive appearance or impression.



A woman who hunts, usually connected to the Greek goddess Artemis who led an all women's hunt.



From Old Norse Valkyrja, literally 'chooser of the slain,' from valr 'the slain' + kyrja 'chooser.' Better known as the name of the twelve handmaidens of Odin, who chose those who would die in battle and those who would live. They are essentially angels of death, known for leading the souls of heroes slain in battle to Valhalla. Similar to the Greek Fates, though mostly reserved for battles and war rather than every mortal's life.


When Ahsoka had first joined the Rebellion, they had been in desperate need of an intelligence agency. Fulcrum had then been born. She had been the first, soon followed by other deep cover spies that got key information to Rebel cells.

Luna had named Artemis's Illusion herself. At the time, she hadn't known where the Artemis part had come from, but knew that it connected to her. Only after she had regained her Earthen memories did she recall that Artemis was the Greek Goddess of the moon, wilderness, wild animals, virginity, and the hunt. The Illusion part had come because Luna had wanted her ship to be near invisible and hard to predict, similar to herself. It looked like a simple freighter, but it had the potential to take on a destroyer while still being made for stealth. She wanted to be there, in a battle long enough to be there, but disappear before a target ship had time to react, to even understand what had happened, even more so now that they were using it against the Empire on a regular basis—hunting the Empire.

As for Valkyrie....

The Norse Mythos was all about war. The handmaidens of Odin chose the fates of those in battle and were lethal warriors in their own right.

And that's what Luna was doing now. Deciding that the Rebellion was not going to go up in flames. Deciding that it was time to fight, and that the Empire would be the side that lost.

Fulcrum and Valkyrie, an odd combination of names that hardly anyone knew the true reason behind, made up the small Rebel cell of Illusion that had become famous in under two months.

Under two months because when they hit, they hit hard.

Under two months because as soon as they started helping, the Rebellion had stopped losing as much and recovering quicker.

Under two months because of the dozens of star destroyers they had taken out of commission for the Rebellion that allowed the Rebels to get the much needed supplies, ships, and even the occasional recruits.

Under two months because of the successful base raids that they had assisted in, Luna in the sky and Ahsoka on the ground.

Fulcrum found, gave, and received information or orders. Valkyrie was the military genius that knew Imperials inside and out.

Fulcrum fought on the ground. Valkyrie ruled the sky and stars.

The two were ultimate team up to Rebel High Command, they complement each other perfectly. They had brought hope when everything was beginning to feel lost.

In truth, what the Rebellion saw was not the complete truth, both gathered information, although it was true that Ahsoka usually delivered it the last part of the way to the Rebellion. Luna may have known a lot about military strategy, but Ahsoka knew just as much, the only true difference being that Luna knew many of the Imperial Admirals' individual tactics and how to best combat them. Both Luna and Ahsoka fought on the ground, though it was true that Ahsoka would usually be the one on the ground when other Rebels were present. Ahsoka was as fair of a pilot as Luna; although the latter did have more experience in her own ship, and she would of course be in the sky when Ahsoka was on the ground.

But the Rebellion didn't know that.

The Rebellion just knew that Valkyrie had appeared from nowhere, teamed up with one of the Fulcrums, and changed everything.

On the Wings of ValkyrieOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz