Chapter CX

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Vader was surprised when he sensed Padmé's presence up and about, though he figured that for the sake of keeping the peace, it would be wise to leave the Nabooian to her own devices. Unless he sensed something wrong, of course.

That said, he was even more surprised when he sensed her heading in his direction. The Sith considered, for a micromoment, relocating, but decided against the action. She would have to be actively looking for him to find him considering he was in the Lunar Shadow disabling the cloaking device and hyperdrive.

With that decided, Vader continued with his task, taking out a key part of the device and setting it aside to hide so Luna wouldn't be able to fix things in a snap should she try to escape. It was tedious work as the Sith didn't want anything permanently damaged, but it gave him something to do with his hands as he tried to think through a new approach for speaking to Luna now that she was up and about as well as Padmé.

There were the obvious things for the former—Vader needed to keep his temper for one—but some were less so, like how in the galaxy was he supposed to successfully approach the topic of the reason behind her....temporary desertion and get her to listen. Find a way to get her to see from his point of view—easier said than done considering the girl hadn't stopped blocking off their bond and hiding her Force presence since that afternoon when she had woken from what Vader was willing to bet was a vision and probably wouldn't reveal her location constantly until after they made up.

Vader sent a probe through the base, resigned to the expected result: Luna's presence not existing on the plane of the Force he could sense. He would never be used to it, especially since he'd been hovering over it so consistently for the first time in months only yesterday.

That was fine. Being incapable of sensing Luna was one thing he didn't want to become used to. Other things he could manage or was forced to, but that Vader would miss until he and his apprentice were back on good terms. And they would fix things. Somehow.

The Sith Lord didn't think he'd be able to handle it if they couldn't. The problem was that while she was there on the same planet, in the same base as himself, she still felt so far away.

"Hello?" a voice called out from somewhere around the entry ramp. Vader nearly dropped the tool in his hand. That was Padmé's voice. How in the galaxy should he respond to that? Call out? Stay silent?

What was she even doing here?

"Is anyone in here?" her voice asked, echoing off the metal walls.

You are a Sith Lord. Why are you hiding? "Yes," Vader stated, loud enough that she could hear him. He sensed her presence enter the ship before finally wandering over to where the Sith was working. For the sake of remaining calm, the Sith continued with his work. Perhaps it would be easier on her if she didn't see his mask. After all, the Nabooian had done her best not to have such direct contact with him, perhaps it would be easier on her. "Is there anything I can assist you with?"

"No," came her response. He sensed her move to where she could sit down. Vader noticed her Force presence was full of unease. "What are you doing?"

"Ensuring Luna won't have an easy escape route."

"You think she'd try to run?"

No. My apprentice wouldn't.

But she's not just my apprentice anymore.

"I don't know," the Sith answered honestly. "I feel like I hardly know her anymore." That too was the truth, though Vader didn't know what made him say it.

"That makes two of us," Padmé murmured. "Luna's changed."

"No, she hasn't. We just never truly knew her."

"Yes, we did."

"Perhaps you did," Vader allowed, though he knew Luna far too well to actually think it true. The girl may have let them see a piece of herself she showed few others, but they didn't truly know her. Not what she'd been through. What she was trying to carry on her too young shoulders. "I knew who she was while she operated as Eclipse. I learned about who she had been from her memories. But I don't know who she is now that the two have mixed. Her reactions are....unpredictable to a certain degree."

Padmé didn't respond, seeming lost in thought. Vader was fine with the silence, though he quickly found himself with a slight dilemma. He had completed his task and had nothing left to do on this particular ship. He was going to have to face Padmé head on.

Well, it wasn't like they hadn't been civil so far. It would be fine. Surely.

If Vader could hold his breath, he probably would as he slipped out from under the machine. Padmé looked at him as he stood to his full height, though her expression was unreadable.

"On to the next ship?" she asked, moving to stand as well. Vader just blinked in confusion but decided not to question it as he led the way off the ship and onto another. This time he worked in near silence, hyper aware of her presence watching him. The woman's presence was radiating unease though it was clear she wished to discuss something with him.

After he had finished that ship and moved into a third. The Sith couldn't help but risk breaking the silence: "If you don't mind me asking, why are you awake?"

"Too much to think about," Padmé answered. That he could believe. "Luna's up too."

"....I wish I was surprised, she hates the medcenter more than I do," Vader muttered, shaking his head as he sent another probe through the base. Still nothing. "Where did you see her?"

"A little kitchenette area. Same one the time travelers used when they were here. She was listening to some music."

"Was it the depressing sort?"

"Yes," Padmé responded, sounding confused and surprised at his accuracy. "Is that normal?"

"That would heavily depend upon your definition of normal," the Sith answered, momentarily considering questioning the Nabooian on the lyrics before disregarding the idea.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked.

"When she was younger," Vader began, before recalling he should likely specify the age better as the usual reference for younger Luna was her at the age they had first met her, "by which I mean long before she met any of us, Luna listened to it often, especially when she was feeling down or overwhelmed. Things that brought to mind Apollo especially...." he began, only to realize Padmé probably had no idea of who he was talking about.

"The ghost?"

Vader stood corrected. "Yes, the ghost boy. She had, still has, I suspect, trauma from events surrounding his death."

"Why? How did he die?"

"Ramsey kidnapped her from school when they were nine. Let's just say Apollo wasn't game for that plan and guns were involved." The Sith wondered if the woman remembered the argument Luna had had with Leia all those years ago as well as he did.


"Anyway, from that view, it's perfectly normal considering present circumstances. Of course, my apprentice rarely listened to any music, so from that side it is completely abnormal."

"I see."

Silence descended once again, only to be quickly broken by an alarm going off. Vader immediately paused in his work, pulling out a datapad.

"What is it?" Padmé asked worriedly as the Sith quickly set down the tools and moved to his feet.


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