Chapter XVIII

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The moment Luna stepped into the club, she could feel

It looked the same as always did, but that didn't keep her from wondering. She noticed more customers than usual had hidden blasters, and it seemed there was a large group trying not to act like a large group.

Great. There was probably going to be a blaster fight by the end of the night. Maybe Luna could get off work early....

No, considering Winters, that wouldn't happen.

It was going to be a long night.

"On stage in five!" Winters barked as Luna came into his view. She just nodded, heading to the locker room.

Luna was wearing a bright pink two piece that looked more like what a dancing slave girl would wear than a singer. It has a short skirt and a crisscrossing top that showed more cleavage than she felt comfortable with and left her toned stomach in full view. There were also golden bands on her arms that kept practically transparent pink mesh sleevelets on her to cover up the battle faint scars on her body. Luna's hair was down, but shimmered due to sparkles that Winters had insisted she put in her hair. Makeup caked her face.

Looking in the mirror, Luna didn't even recognize herself. At least when she had been wearing the red dress, or other outfits, she had some say in what she looked like and let a piece of herself show, but now....

Now she just didn't.

The freedom she had only recently discovered was slipping away again.

And unlike before, she knew what that freedom was like....

And she didn't have a real reason to have her opinions hidden away. At least back when she had been Vader's Shadow, Luna still had a voice—given one in private that only her Master listened to, but that had been enough—and chose how she dressed. She knew that Vader normally felt the same as she did. She hadn't been shoved to the side alone.

It wouldn't be long before she decided to quit. Luna may have enjoyed singing, would have more without the conditions she was performing under, but she wasn't an idiot. Under the cover of the club, some of the waitresses were actually slaves and were sold to different people for the night.

Luna also knew Winters was trying to find a way for her to become one of them, even if she was bringing in customers because of her voice and, what he thought, brand new songs. He had enough of a brain to know to not suggest it to her out loud.

She climbed up onto the stage and got in position, deciding at the last second to leave her cloak near the last step, moments before the curtain rose.

And then, she sang.

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