Chapter CXXXII

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Luna was starting to get hot in her armor as she led her group through the caverns that would, hopefully, lead them to a point where the Imperial base was dug into the stone and only a meter or so of rock between the bypassing tunnel and the durasteel side. It would have been a maze for anyone else, but the Rebel had taken the time to memorize her preferred path to that point. Between that and the Force, Luna was rather hopeful that they would be able to breach the base's defenses without notifying the Emperor's Hands before it was too late.

Just ahead of Luna, Cerberus was checking for traps as he prowled through the darkness, used to such tunnels from his time on Moraband. Trios was but a step behind the ex-Shadow as she and the Tuk'ata led the group through the twists and turns, silent for the most part as though she was as aware of the plan as Luna was. The Rebel was tempted to question her compliance as well as her true purpose for joining them. How did Shu-Torun's Queen even know they'd come? And had she truly turned her back on the Empire or was she trying to fool them as she had fooled Leia in the comics, in a timeline different from the one Luna now stood in? She did not sense deception, but Vader as well as life in general had taught the girl to be wary.

Even the Force could not always be trusted.

Vader, the girl had known without asking, would have much preferred Trios and her army to assist in the assault simply so the Sith Lord could keep an eye on her. And yet, Luna could not do without Trios's assistance which had meant that there could be no debate on who added the Shu-Toruns to their group. The ex-Shadow needed the equipment, even if there was a sizable risk to both herself and the rest of the Rebels that were on her team. Depending on Trios's true plans, it was quite possible Luna may be the only person walking out of the situation alive, which would put a sizable wrench in the entire point of this exercise.

"How much further is it, Lady Eclipse?" Trios asked from just behind the girl. Luna nearly flinched at the address, having done her best to try and distance herself from that personality, that life.

Of course, Luna was also being a bit hypocritical, as she intended to use the full extent of her rage on Palpatine's abominations. As far as she was concerned, they deserved no mercy.

"It's Valkyrie," the ex-Shadow corrected, more for the benefit of the Rebels behind them than herself. "And we are nearly there."

"What precisely is your plan once you're inside?" Trios asked.

"We attack from behind, cripple the base, and with luck prevent the Emperor from using this location to multiply his numbers anymore."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Let's just say his newest lackeys don't all look alike for no reason."


"Something like that."

Further talk was cut off by the group's arrival at the stone wall that would be turned into their entry point. Trios's people quickly set up the mining equipment, and in mere moments they had an entrance established.

"Stay alert. We're in the clear for now, but it will only be a matter of time until they realize we are here," Luna announced, just before stepping through the MacGyvered portal, pausing to glance at the Queen. "I'd prefer you in the middle of the group."

"I am the Warlord. I lead my people in the fight," Trios answered as the ex-Shadow knew she would.

"If my hands are full, do not expect me to defend you. I have my own people to take care of."

"Of course, Lady Eclipse."

The more you call me that, the more my approval for you goes down. With a hidden sigh, Luna turned and ventured into the base with her pet at her side and the forces of Shu-Torun and the Rebellion close behind.


"Well, we definitely grabbed their attention!" Leia shouted into her comm as she deflected a blast aimed for her head back into the crowd of stormtroopers racing towards their position.

"I've noticed," came Vader's dry response. He was somewhere ahead of her position, having taken the majority of the droids with him when he sensed the Hands appearing on the battlefield. Leia was going to assume until told otherwise it was a one sided slaughter she wanted no part of and as such had been focusing the majority of her attention on her own people. "How are you doing?"

"Fine," the Princess grunted in response, instinctively dodging a blast that had been aimed for her head while she cut down a nearby Imperial with sickening ease. It wasn't right to have something cut through a body so easily. She had been training with the saber for some time and while she had been deemed ready for a certain degree of combate by Master Yoda, she still didn't feel all that comfortable with the weapon.

But just because she wasn't comfortable, it didn't mean Leia wasn't going to use it. Especially not when it could mean the difference between life and death when there were so many blasted Hands everywhere. Force knew when she'd need it to fight against something other than foot soldiers.

Luna should be inside by now, the Princess thought to herself. I hope everything goes to plan.

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