Chapter XX

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Han waited until a break for the stage performers came before sneaking backstage. Once he made it there, he only saw the musicians, and no Luna in sight.

"Hey, have you seen Lu—"

A hand clamped over Han's mouth as someone pulled him into the shadows.

"What the hell are you doing here?" a voice asked as he was shoved up against the wall. Han relaxed.

"I could ask you the same thing," Han replied, his expression hard as his eyes adjusted enough to find Luna's face. "Do you know half the stuff that goes on in places like this? What do you think Vader'd do if he found out you worked here?"

"Probably go on a murder frenzy. I can take care of myself."

"I'm inclined to question that if you're working here."

"Well don't worry, I'm quitting tonight. Now, what are you doing here?"

"Alliance business."

"I figured that much. There's an entire band of armed men in here tonight, just a warning."

"Hope they aren't here for us."

"Wouldn't be so sure, the atmosphere's felt off the entire night. As soon as I got here I knew there was going to be some type of fight. I'd suggest you leave as soon as you get what you came for. Even if they aren't here for you, you don't want to get caught up in it."

"Will do," Han muttered. "Lando's not going to be happy."

"Just him with you?"


"I'll try to warn you if I see something about to happen, but I can't promise anything. I'll be stuck on stage most of the night."

"That's fine, wouldn't want to drag you into another fight. By the way, thanks for helping us at the base."

"No problem."

Luna turned to leave.

"Hey," Han said quickly, grabbing her arm and stopping her. He dropped his voice lower. "Remember what you thought were in those crates? You were right."

"Do you have any idea of how many Hands there are?" she asked, her voice equally as low.

"Not a clue. That's what this person is supposed to tell us. The Rebellion is going to need your help and soon."

"I'm sure you all can do fine without me."

"You don't know what's been happening as of late. You know how bad it was with just you and Vader. We can't survive an army. And what about Vader? Do you know how much he misses you?"

"Don't see why he would."

"Look, he's been alone in that secret base of his for the past few weeks. He's spent most of that time trying to find a way to track you down," Han said. An unidentifiable expression crossed Luna's face for a split second, but it was gone before he could try to figure out what it was. The dim lighting didn't help anything.

"Don't care. Now I suggest you get out of here before Lando gets too worried, and my boss starts asking questions."


"There you are," Lando said as Han finally made it to the booth his friend had claimed for their use. "I was beginning to wonder where you disappeared to. Look what I managed to get."

"Good for you," Han said, sitting down as he looked at the already sizable pile of credits in the middle of the table. He silently cursed Lando for taking the seat that faced the entrance.

"You don't sound too thrilled. How about this, you can have half, and we'll see what the two of us can make of it."

"We need to leave as soon as we get the information."

"How come? Thought we were allowed to stay a little longer."

"Change of plans. An old friend said something's going on, and we'd best be outta here as quickly as possible," Han said, looking over at the stage as the curtain rose, Lando followed Han's gaise, giving a low whistle as he caught sight of the lead singer.

"Now she is beautiful. Please tell me that's the old friend of yours, and you can introduce me."

"Later Lando. Believe me, she's got a story and a very over protective....well, don't really know what to call him now....Legal Guardian maybe."

"If that's the case, how the hell did she end up here?"

"By running away. I'll give you a more in depth story later. Here isn't the place," Han told him. Lando nodded, thinking before something behind Han caught his attention.

"He's here."

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