Laura pops her head between the two front seats. "I found this place online, Egg Harbor. It looked amazing. I'll pull up the directions."

"This traffic is insane," I complain. We've moved a total of one mile in the last fifteen minutes. "Please tell me our exit is close."

Laura looks back at the map on her phone. "Looks like if you get off up here we can take a back road."

I turn on my blinker and wait again. I look around the side of the semi ahead of me, well the best I can, and see we're only about six car lengths from the exit. At this rate it'll be another ten minutes to go a hundred feet. A groan escapes me.

"Weren't you the one telling me I needed to relax?" I shoot a glare back in the direction of the voice. Lily gives me a smirk and a shoulder shrug as she goes back to scrolling through her emails.

   By the time we reach the restaurant it's almost closer to lunch but they are at least still serving breakfast.  As I walk in I see that they're not busy at all. Good, we'll beat the lunch rush.

We're seated in a booth close to the middle of the restaurant. Lily and Rae both slide to the inside. I take the seat next to Rae, facing the direction of the door.

The waitress comes over and introduces herself as Whitney. As soon as she asks if she can grab us coffee or sweet tea my stomach answers for me, loudly.

"Oh my gracious! I am so sorry!" I say in embarrassment.

"No worries, dear. I needed that laugh!"

We order our drinks after learning that they have different sizes of coffee cups. I immediately order the largest they have. Upon looking over the menu I'm excited to see they have skillet breakfast meals.

Whitney returns with our drinks and I open up my purse to pull out my little flavored coffee creamers. "You did not," Lily says, interrupting the flow of orders.

"Uh, yes I did," I said opening the packages and pouring them into my coffee cup that resembles a cereal bowl with a handle.

"Sweetie, we have creamer," Whitney says.

"Is it pumpkin flavored?"

She furrows her brow. "Well, no. Just French vanilla and hazelnut."

"I'm good then, thanks," I tell her while stirring my coffee.

Whitney finishes grabbing our orders and heads off into the kitchen as the bell jingles over the door announcing a customers entrance.

"Oh. My." Rae says as she glances up at the door.

"What?" I say looking back at her.

"Men in uniform," she says with a nonchalant nod of her head.

Sure enough there's a group of five police officers that have just entered. They don't wait to be seated, going straight to a table for six up by the window.

"Be right with ya, fellas," Whitney says as she drops some biscuits off at our table.

Laura says grace before we all dive in. The biscuits are perfect buttermilk biscuits. Whitney stops back by before grabbing the officer's drinks. "What do you think?"

"I think I need to steal your cook away from you. These are divine!" I say between bites. She giggles at me and scurries off to the kitchen.

"You don't think that was rude?" Lily asks me.

I shake my head no. "It was a compliment. And if I could, I certainly would hire whoever it is that made these biscuits."

"But the recipe at the Inn is your grandpa's isn't it?" Rae asks me.

"Yep. And I'm saying these are better. Even grandpa would agree," I assure them.

A few more minutes pass as we listen to Lily fill us in on the last little bit of wedding to-do's before the big day in two weeks. Again, I remind her that the block of rooms are still reserved for the out of town guests and wedding party.

My heart rejoices however as I see Whitney carrying over a large tray laden with our brunch. My mouth instantly begins watering as I smell the glorious bacon, eggs and potatoes that have been placed in front of me. "God bless you, Whitney," I say as I take a huge bite. Even my soul is rejoicing at this point.

"Rae?" Laura asks. "You gonna ever quit staring at the officers?"

"Highly unlikely," I snark. This earns me a jab in the ribs from my booth buddy.

"Can't help it. It's the uniform," she says.

"Doesn't Anthony wear a uniform?" Laura asks with a grin.

"A postman's uniform is not the same thing," she quips back pointedly.

We all can't help but laugh. Rae and Anthony have been married for two years. He's worked for the postal service for the last eight. What was supppse to be a filler job turned permanent when he met Rae. She had come into the post office with a complaint and left with his number.

   Our attention is turned back over to Whitney who is checking to see if we need anything. "Can I get another cup?" I ask.

   "You're worried about me getting an ulcer? That cup alone has to be the equivalent of three regular size cups," Lily states.

   I narrow my eyes at her. "Bite me." I turn back to Whitney as the other two girls start laughing loudly again. "Coffee, please."

   The girls are still laughing as I bring the cup to my lips, glancing over the rim at the officers. My eyes fall on the one sitting with an empty chair in front of him. He's leaning on the table with his arms crossed in front of him. Short brown hair, messy and yet styled nicely if that makes sense. Little bit of scruff lines his jaw, kind of as if he's unsure whether or not to grow it in as a beard or he was too lazy to shave. I can't tell too much as far as his eyes as his attention is being held by another man at the other end of the table.

"Earth to Opal!" Laura says waving her hand in front of my face. I playfully swat it away. "See something you like?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about. You know I'm a one man kind of woman," I remind her.

"And what man is that?" Lily asks.


"Your 65 year old overnight security guard does not count," she says with a look of disdain.

"He's all the man I need," I say as I motion for Whitney to stop by when she's able.

"Ready for your bill?"

"Yes, please. And if you can put the officers tab on mine as well please," I tell her.

"Sure thing, hun."

Rae looks at me in surprise. "What?" I ask.

"I'm just surprised, that's all," she says.

"No reason to be. It's just a meal." They've never been with me when I do this but ever since Lily started dating Jameson I've felt compelled to give an extra thanks towards officers.

We finish up our meal and pay the bill. As we walk back towards the door I over hear one of the officers responding to his radio. "Hey, Whit! We need to run. We'll leave cash on the table."

"No need. It's paid for," she calls back to them.

They're in a hurry but I have to say something. "Thanks for all you do!" Brown hair and scruff looks back at me over his shoulder. Just as I notice the intensity of his blue eyes he smiles and says "you're welcome." And they're gone before we even reach the door.

Every New Beginning... (Chris Evans AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя