Edd and Matt were stunned.

"B-But if she's both of your kid than..."Edd stammered.

Tord sighed. "Female DNA isn't to hard to come across. I made it. D-Don't ask how. I don't want to get into all the details."

Matt gasped. "Why would you use Tom's DNA? You could make a much cuter baby with mine."

Tord rolled his eyes. "I didn't mean to use his! I was going through all of my old stuff! And found his hair, and decided to take my chances."

Edd sighed. "I still don't understand why you care so much, Tom. Tord clearly would be fine raising her on his own."

Tom pounded his fists on the table. "OF COURSE I WANT TO CARE FOR MY CHILD EDD! WHY WOULDN'T I?! DO YOU REALLY THINK I'M THAT EVIL?! THAT TERRIBLE?!" Tom had tears streaming down his face. He wiped away some of the tears and sighed. "I just want her back, Edd. Please. Matt! You'd want your mirror back! Edd, you'd want your cola! Don't you remember Ringo? Do you remember how you felt with her?"

Edd sighed. "Yeah," he chuckled. "I treated her like a kid. I loved her so much...When she died...I could barely keep going."

"Now you know how we feel. How I feel! I want her back. Please." Tom cried.

Edd sighed. "We want you back, Tom. Just as much as you want your baby."

Tom sighed. "Fine."

Tord intervened. "NO! J-Just give us a second!"

Tord and Tom walked out of the meeting room and into their room.

Tord sighed. "Please, Thomas. You can't really want to leave."

"I don't! But, if it'll get Marie back..." Tom sighed. "It'd be worth it."

"No! It wouldn't be! You can't go! They treated you like shit! They'd just do that again!" Tord cried.

"And?! I handled it last time!"

"You we're starving yourself!"

"So?! Why should you care?!?

"Because I lo-!" Tord caught himself. He didn't love Tom. Surely not.

"Because why Tord?! WHY?!"

"I DON'T KNOW!" Tord screamed.

Tom gasped. Tord was falling apart. Right in front of him.

"I don't know, okay?! You make me ache, Tom! In my chest, my head, my fucking heart for gods sake! You sit there and pout like I haven't been here, then you go around marching like a fucking god! Because that's how I see you! You make me so happy, and you make me hate myself at the same time! You make me glad you said yes, then you make me wish I never brought her too you in the first place! I feel all these fucking feelings around you but have no idea as to what they mean! And I don't know who to ask! I-I just don't fucking know anymore Tom. Was this past week a fucking lie? An experiment? What?! I-I just...faen i helvete!" Tord was panting. He's The Red Leader for fucks sakes! He's supposed to know what to do! It's his job! How is he so clueless?!

Tom ran up too Tord and wrapped his arms around his neck. "I don't want to leave you Tord..." Tom mumbled.

Tord pressed his lips onto Tom's. He felt tears roll down his cheeks, but he didn't care. He only wanted his daughter back, and for Tom to stay here, with him. He couldn't choose between the two! He can't! Tord smiled into the kiss.

Then Tord felt a hand on his shoulder. He pushed Tom off of him and stared at the little shit, who interrupted his kiss with Tom.

"See Pau. I told you."

"Yes, you did."

Tord gasped. "We-We weren't...uh..." Tord stammered. "I'm straight!"

Pau smirked. "You're about as straight as me, Tord."

Tom ran in. "It was all me!"

Patryck gasped. "You kissed first?"

Pau sighed. "There goes my twenty bucks."

"What? No- I have a crush on Tord. Since high school. And...I thought I had a chance." Tom sighed.

Tord sighed. "And...I'm straight. I don't like you like that. We have more important shit to deal with than love." Tord walked out towards the meeting room.

Tom sighed. And Pau walked up to him. "Don't worry, we heard what Tord said. We'll talk to him."

The three walked back into the meeting room. Paul sighed. "Tord! Come here!"

Tord rolled his eyes and walked over, while Patryck walked Tom to the meeting room, then left to go with Pau.

Tord sighed. "What's this about?"

Pau shrugged. "We heard what you said. And while you're The Red Leader, we're The Love Experts. So ask away!"

Tord rolled his eyes. "You aren't "love experts."

"Well, anything you want to ask?" Pat asked.

Tord sighed and soldiers ran out of the meeting room towards him and his parents.

"Red! Red! You can't be serious! Doing that to Tom!" Axle gasped.

"What?" Tord questioned. Is this about what I said? About not likingTom back? Because that was a joke...right? "What is this about soldier?"

"Well," Axle began before another soldier cut him off.

"Tom said that he'll go back to the Rebellion!" The soldier cried.

Axle glared at them. "Bits."

"What? Oh...sorry." Bits said softly.

Tord gasped. "What?! No- I never agreed to that!"

Ginny ran to the ever-growing group of soldiers crowding around Tord. "Red! I just saw Tom packing a bag! Are you going anywhere? Another date, perhaps?"

Tord shook his head and ran towards his room. "No! No! NO! TOM!"

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