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Iris pov

I woke up and Ranboo wasn't next to me. I started panicking, praying that I didn't have another dream. Looking around, I was back in my room, lying on my bed. Letting out a defeated sigh, I reached over and grabbed the glass of water from my bedside table, taking a few sips as I remembered the supposed dream.

I was about to go back to sleep until I heard a gentle knock on the door. Assuming it was Tubbo, I ignored it. But when the person knocked again, I groaned and got up to answer it.

A tall brunette engulfed me in a hug as soon as I opened the door. I smiled as I hugged him back; it hadn't been a dream. "How'd you sleep?" Ranboo asked after we pulled apart.

"I slept fine. Honestly, I started panicking when I woke up and you weren't there," I admitted, laughing nervously. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, I woke up and it was dark out, so Tubbo and I brought you back to your room, then I went back to sleep," he explained. After a moment, he added, "we should get something to eat."

I gratefully agreed, and we headed to the kitchen. We both got ourselves cereal and watched a show while we ate. After we ate, I decided to take a shower.

A/n: Iris had been taking showers when she was isolating herself from everyone don't worry lol

~ time skip ~

Ranboo and I were watching tv on the couch when Tubbo came up to us. "Do you two wanna go on a walk with me?" he asked.

I nodded eagerly; I hadn't left the house in over a week. Ranboo also agreed.

"Great! I was thinking we could go after we eat dinner," he said. Ranboo and I both nodded in agreement.

The three of us spent the remainder of the day lounging on the couch. Ranboo made sure I ate lunch, even if it wasn't much. So I had half a sandwich. Later, Tubbo decided that we should all watch a movie together. I had persuaded Tubbo to let me pick, so we watched the first Twilight movie. We had ordered pizza, which was delivered halfway through the movie.

After we finished the movie, I jumped up and ran to my room. I scanned my closet for something decent to wear and settled on leggings, a skirt, and one of Ranboo's hoodies. I changed out of my pyjamas and slid on the leggings, followed by the skirt. I went to my dresser and searched for a black tank top to wear under the hoodie, then pulled it on.

I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed for the first time that my hair wasn't as knotted as it had been before I fainted yesterday. Smiling, I realized that Ranboo had brushed it while I was unconscious. Quickly grabbing my brush, I ran it through my hair, wincing slightly when it snagged a knot. After I made sure the knots were gone, I adjusted my skirt a bit before pulling on Ranboo's hoodie; it was his merch sample.

After taking one last look at my appearance, I took a deep breath before leaving my room to rejoin the boys, who were standing by the front door. Ranboo wore a dazed expression as he examined my outfit, and it made my heart flutter a bit. "You look so pretty," he breathed into my ear as he walked over and hugged me. I tried to hide my growing blush by burying my face in his shoulder.

We pulled away after a few seconds and I looked over at Tubbo, who was trying to hold back giggles. I knew that he had noticed my face flush when Ranboo had hugged me.

Third person pov

The three of them headed out after Iris slipped her shoes on. Tubbo walked next to her while Ranboo trailed a little bit behind.

"What did he say?" Tubbo asked, trying to sound menacing but failing by letting laughter slip out.

"He called me pretty," Iris admitted. She knew Ranboo had heard them, because muffled laughter came from behind them.

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