~ 22 ~

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Iris pov

When I woke up, the sky was dark. The few visible stars gave off dim light, and the moon was hidden behind a patch of clouds. Ranboo's face was still buried in my shoulder, and his arms were around me in a loose hug. My eyes were still half closed, but they flew open when I remembered where we were. Rain started to sprinkle down from the sky, causing the ground to soften.

"Ranboo," I whispered, shaking him slightly. "We should go."

"Five more minutes..." he mumbled.

"Dude, it's raining and we're gonna get all muddy," I told him, carefully sitting up.

"Not ye-" I cut him off by flicking his arm. Ranboo's eyes shot open. "Ow, what was that for?"

"Listen to me, I'm going to leave and it's up to you if you wanna come with me. We're gonna get all muddy if we stay here," I explained slowly. Dude, I get that you're tired, but c'mon it's not that hard to listen. It was hard to not get frustrated at him, especially since I just woke up as well.

Ranboo looked at me, confusion clouding his eyes, so I stood up, pulling him up with me. He gently put his hand on my shoulder to steady himself. I checked my phone to see 17 missed calls from Tubbo and 29 messages from Wilbur.

"Fuck..." I cursed, opening Wilbur's messages first.


Music man

Are you there
Tubbo told me you weren't responding
He's high-key freaking out right now and so am I
Please answer
Where the hell are you
I'm really worried
This isn't funny, please answer
It's been three hours, Tubbo said, since you left the house
Tubbo's crying please go back to your house
Oh I'm at your house btw
Iris I really fucking hope your phone died or something and that you aren't ignoring me
Answer please
I think Tubbo's gonna pass out or something, he looks really scared
Holy fuck he just told me about Lewis
He said he's scared that Lewis will find you or something
Tubbo has locked himself in his room and won't open the door
Answer please
I'm high-key freaking out
I really hope you're alright
Stay safe, we love you Iris


I quickly messaged him back, feeling incredibly bad that I sent them all into a state of worry.


Rainbow goddess

Oh my god
Wilbur I'm so sorry
I fell asleep
Ranboo and I are on our way back to the house
Holy fuck I apologize


He didn't open it; I assumed they were sleeping. I quickly explained everything to Ranboo, and he immediately grabbed my hand and started speed walking towards my house.

The normally twenty minute walk was reduced to ten minutes, thanks to our fast walking. I pushed in front of Ranboo and ran up my front steps, yanking open the door. Ranboo rushed in after me, shutting the door behind him.

"Wilbur! Tubbo!" I called, feeling extremely guilty for falling asleep. Wilbur had come all the way here because he was so worried.

My voice rang through the house as I yelled again; this time two sets of footsteps accompanied it. Tubbo almost fell down the stairs as he booked it down them, Wilbur closely following. Tubbo looked like a mess; dried tears left streaks down his face, his eyes were bloodshot. Wilbur looked the same. Their eyes widened when they saw me, and Tubbo nearly tackled me as he wrapped me in a hug.

"You scared me so fucking bad," Tubbo sobbed, resting his head on my shoulder.

"What happened? Where were you?" Wilbur demanded.

"I went to look for Ranboo and we were tired so we ended up falling asleep I guess," I told them. That wasn't the full truth, but at least I wasn't lying to them.

"Where'd you find him?" Wilbur asked.

"The park," I replied, getting kind of annoyed.

"Wilbur shut up," Lani told him, slipping past the tall brunette. Ranboo stood awkwardly behind me, fiddling with his fingers nervously. I felt Tubbo's tears dampen my shirt, and I hugged him tighter.

"Dude it's alright, I'm here now, I apologize for scaring you," I told him.

Lani walked over and hugged the both of us. She looked as scared as, if not more than, Tubbo was. Wilbur walked over to the three of us, towering over us, then joined in the hug. Ranboo still stood behind me, looking extremely unsure of what to do.

"Ranboo, come here," I said in a quiet voice, freeing an arm and beckoning him to join the group hug.

The tall teenager looked down at the floor, mumbling something about not wanting to be part of the group hug. The hug soon dispersed, and Lani excused herself, seeing as it was late and she was tired.

"You seemed to have no problem hugging me when you were cuddling with me this morning," I blurted, then, immediately regretting it, I smacked my hand over my mouth. Ranboo's face turned beet red and his eyes widened in embarrassment. Silence followed my words as everyone looked at the tall teen in shock.

"Ranboo? You did what now?" Both Tubbo and Wilbur spoke in almost unison, their full attention on Ranboo, who rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Fuck... they've gone all protective over me.

Ranboo quickly met my gaze, clearly pleading for help as he struggled to find words. "I um... I'm sorry," the boy said, giving up.

"Dude it's fine, I was just teasing you. Just don't do anything stupid, okay?" Tubbo told him. I was surprised; I thought that Tubbo would be way more overprotective, like he was with the Lewis situation. Wilbur on the other hand was a lot more serious than Tubbo was. He started scolding Ranboo about how he should be careful with me, especially after the Lewis incident. I flinched every time he said Lewis.

"He asked for my consent to cuddle with me," I cut in. Even though that wasn't exactly true, I knew it would shut Wilbur up. Plus, I wasn't exactly going to say that I was the one who initiated the cuddling.

"Wilbur calm down, he's literally my husband in a block game, I think I know him well enough to say that he won't do anything wrong to Iris," Tubbo said, looking up at his taller friend. "He's also been living with me for a month."

I slipped past Wilbur to stand next to Ranboo. "Please leave him alone," I pleaded, looking up to meet Wilbur's gaze.

"Alright, I trust him, I just wanted to make sure he won't do anything stupid."

"I promise I won't do anything stupid," Ranboo vowed, locking eyes with Wilbur.

"I suppose I should be getting home now, it's pretty late," Wilbur said, glancing at his watch.

"Aww, alright," I said, frowning. I gave him another hug before saying goodbye. Tubbo thanked him, then both him and Ranboo said goodbye.

~ Pretty long chapter lol

~ Guys, make sure to treat yourself once in a while. Go get your nails done, buy something nice for yourself, or just even do something you enjoy doing. Each and every one of you are valid and ily all so much :]


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