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Tw: mention of anxiety attack throughout chapter

Iris pov

When I woke up, I remembered my anxiety attack the night before, and how Ranboo had cared enough to help me. His arms were still wrapped comfortingly around me, and I smiled. Stop- my thoughts tried to interrupt this peaceful moment, but I pushed them away.

Ranboo woke up a few minutes later, and readjusted his arms in a more comfortable position. "Good morning," he mumbled, still tired.

"I'm sorry about last night," I apologized. "I don't know why that anxiety attack happened." Liar.

"It's fine," Ranboo assured me, yawning. Suddenly, he seemed to realize how we had fallen asleep, and he gently removed me from his lap. Ranboo mumbled an apology, his face flushed with embarrassment.

"Don't apologize, you helped me calm down," I told him.

I got up to sit on the couch, and Ranboo stayed on the floor. "Sit with me," I pleaded, and Ranboo gave in. He stood up and sat down next to me, leaving a little distance between us. We turned on the tv and I put on iCarly, because iCarly is awesome.

~ time skip ~

Tubbo burst into the room, holding a small nerf gun. He aimed it at Ranboo and started shooting at him. I smiled, and eventually the three of us just burst into a fit of giggles.

"You're watching iCarly?" Tubbo asked, noticing the tv.

"Yeah, wanna watch with us?" I asked. Tubbo nodded and sat down in between the two of us.

~ time skip ~

"Wanna play something in vr later? We would stream it." Tubbo asked.

"You should play fnaf," I suggested.

"Sure," Tubbo replied.

"You can't chicken out, or I'll get the big nerf gun," Ranboo warned.

It was a little after lunch time, and the three of us were walking to an ice cream place while talking about random things.

"How'd you guys sleep last night?" Tubbo asked. I was thankful that he was walking a little in front of me, because my face flushed slightly.

"I had a mini anxiety attack," I admitted.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Tubbo asked, turning around to glance at me.

"Yeah, it wasn't too bad though, because I wasn't gasping for air or anything like that, my heart was just beating fast," I lied. I saw Ranboo open his mouth to say something, but he decided against it.

"What caused it?" Tubbo questioned. I froze, then glanced at Ranboo.

"I don't know," I lied again.

~ time skip, they had dropped the subject and gotten to the ice cream place ~

We got our ice cream — all of us got chocolate — and ate it as we walked home. Tubbo was the first one to speak.

"I went in your room last night—" at this I immediately started panicking, and when I looked at Ranboo, I noticed his eyes widen, "—to grab my phone, sorry if I woke you guys up." I let out a small sigh of relief, and I saw Ranboo do the same. Tubbo, being oblivious, continued talking, telling a story of something that had happened during his stream one day.

~ Hope you liked the filler chapter :]

~ Hope you guys have a great day, all of you are ineffable :]


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