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Tw: anxiety attack

Iris pov

Tubbo and Ranboo ended the stream, and they flopped down on the couch, exhausted from playing wii sports for over an hour. I stood up and sat in between them, leaning my head on Tubbo's shoulder as I scrolled through TikTok.

A/n - guys please don't take that in a weird way

"Tired?" he asked, and I mumbled a 'yes'.

"Chat wanted a height difference between the three of us, but I told them you were tired," Tubbo told me.

"I want a height difference between the three of us too," Ranboo mumbled. I glanced at him, suppressing a smile as he held his merch plushie closer.

~ time skip to night ~

Tubbo gave me a hug before saying, "Good night." He turned to Ranboo and said, "If you do anything bad to my sister I will fucking skin you alive," then added, "Good night." He left the room and I started setting up me and Ranboo's makeshift bed.

"I hope he won't actually skin me alive," I heard Ranboo mumble.

"Are you planning on doing anything bad to me?" I asked.

"N-no, of course not," Ranboo replied, startled that I had heard him.

"Then no, he won't."

Ranboo got up from the couch then hesitated for a second as he stood a few feet away from me, seeming to mentally debate something, before sitting down next to me on the blanket.

"Good night Ranboo," I said quietly before laying down on my pillow and getting under my blanket.

"Good night Iris," he replied, grabbing his plushie and hugging it closer to him. I smiled when I saw him cuddling the stuffed animal.

"I'm glad we started actually talking and I don't make excuses to avoid you anymore," Ranboo mumbled.

"Me too, and I'm sorry for being rude," I told him, genuinely apologizing.

He smiled, then closed his eyes, still hugging the plushie as he got under his blanket. I closed my eyes as well.

Tw start

Should I be trusting him like this? What if he breaks my heart like Lewis did? Is it too soon to be trusting new people?

I tried to silence the thoughts running through my head, but couldn't. My heart started beating faster, and I started shaking slightly. Fuck... why now?

A/n - I don't want to hear anything about how 'Iris is like every y/n' because no, she's not. It might seem like it, but the only reason she has anxiety is because of Lewis. She hasn't had it her whole life. She only just found out the other day that he was cheating on her.

I opened my eyes, hoping to find comfort in seeing Ranboo, but seeing him only made the thoughts worse. I closed my eyes again

I shouldn't be trusting him. Why did I let him sleep next to me? I should've just slept on the couch.

Tears began to fall from my eyes as my thoughts got too overwhelming. Stop, please, I don't want to think badly of him, he seems so respectful. The bad thoughts out-ruled the reasonable ones, and more tears fell. My throat felt like it was tightening yet again.

Ranboo pov

I opened my eyes, hearing ragged breathing, and saw Iris laying in front of me. Tears rolled down her face, and she sounded like she was nearly gasping for air. Should I help her? I looked at the crying brunette in front of me, then decided I should help, knowing too well how it felt to have an anxiety attack.

I sat up, resting my back against the side of the couch, and, forgetting to ask for consent, I gently pulled her onto my lap, her back pressing against my chest. Noticing my mistake, I whispered, "Is this okay?" She nodded.

I held her against me as I took a deep breath in, hoping she'd copy my actions. I heard her take a shaky breath in, and she continued copying my breathing. Once I noticed that she had stopped shaking, I looked at her face, realizing that she fell asleep.

I wrapped my arms around her a little tighter so she wouldn't fall while we were sleeping, then closed my eyes. It may not have been very comfortable sitting like this, with my back against the side of the couch, but I ignored it and focused my thoughts on Iris.

The way she had smiled every time I had looked over at her during the stream earlier. The way she would randomly, unintentionally make eye contact with me. The way she pretended to hate me still whenever Tubbo was around. These were only some of the things I had noticed about her so far.

Content with the fact that I had helped her rather than letting her suffer through her anxiety attack, I drifted off to sleep.

End of tw

~ I am not sexualizing ANYONE in this story, as I said in the description, so don't make it seem like I am or will.

~ Have a great day everyone :]


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