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Tw: panic attack

Iris pov

Ranboo and I were nowhere near tired, seeing as we slept in the park for most of the day. We ended up reading random fanfics on Wattpad all night, squashed together in my gaming chair as we sat at my computer.

"Ew, x readers are so cringy," Ranboo said as we scrolled through the stories. I laughed a bit before continuing my search for an interesting story.

"Hey, look at this one," I told him, clicking on a Ranboo x oc story. It was in the top ten on the Ranboo hashtag, so I figured it would be pretty well-written.

"Not the Ranboo fanfics," he groaned, acting annoyed, but a small smile danced on his lips. We got halfway through the first chapter before Ranboo began to complain. "This is so cringy, I don't wanna read this anymore."

"Shut up, you only don't wanna read it because it's about you," I teased, swatting his hand gently when he tried to take over the mouse.

"Fine," he grumbled, leaning back a bit in the seat. I suppressed a laugh before continuing to read the story.

About two hours later, I finished the story. Ranboo had ended up enjoying it.

"That was so well written," he said, a small smile on his face.

"Who knew your fans could be such good writers?"

"Hey, I know I bully them a lot, but I believe that a lot of them, if not all of them, have really good potential," Ranboo told me. I smiled; it was nice to know that he cared about his fans.

"You're a really good streamer, you know that?" I said quietly as I turned my head away from the screen to look at him. "I don't mean like a good gamer, though you are one, I mean that you actually care about your fans. Some streamers don't; either they act like they do or they just don't. You do so many things for the people that watch your content, even though you don't know them. I think that's a really good thing for a streamer to be able to do."

As Ranboo processed my words, I took a moment to study his face. The light from the monitor reflected on his face and his gray eyes were unfocused, looking somewhere over my head. Freckles were faintly dusted across his nose and cheeks. They didn't stand out much, but they were there.

A/n - I have no idea what his face looks like, and I'm just trying to make up a description for the story. I'm not trying to guess what his face looks like either, I'm just simply writing the first description that I could think of. Also! I know about Ranboo's facial dysmorphia, and I don't want anyone to try to force him into doing a face reveal. I myself don't even want him to do a face reveal unless he's comfortable.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Ranboo's gaze drifted to meet mine. "Thank you," he mumbled, "I try to be there for them, even though they're complete strangers online, because um... well, I just want to try to help them, I guess." I smiled again before a small yawn escaped me.

"Tired?" Ranboo asked, yawning as well. I nodded as another yawn forced my mouth open.

I let my head fall onto his shoulder as my eyes fluttered shut. "'Night Iris," Ranboo mumbled, his head coming down to rest on top of mine. I went to respond with a goodnight, but another yawn slipped out instead. We lay in silence for a few minutes, the bright light from my monitor illuminating our faces. This is so nice, having someone to fall asleep with every night. I'm gonna be so sad when he has to leave. I mentally frowned at my last thought.

"Ranboo, I don't want you to leave for America," I whispered suddenly.

"Don't worry, that's not until October," he assured me, shifting to rest his head more comfortably on mine. I wonder if he misses his family... that was kind of selfish of me to say.

"Do you miss your family?"

"I mean, my brother kind of gets on my nerves sometimes, but I do miss him. As for my parents, I honestly haven't been this far away from them before, and I miss them a lot," he admitted.

A/n - I am not assuming that Ranboo has a brother, it's just for story purposes

Silence fell upon us like a blanket as Ranboo drifted to sleep and I was left alone with my thoughts.

Tw start

Is it right to be falling asleep with someone that I met a month ago? How can I trust him not to do something stupid? I mean, sure, we've slept next to each other every night since he got here, but I don't know if I'm making the right choice.

I tried to out-rule the intrusive thoughts with more positive ones, but it wasn't working well. Panic started taking over as I realized I was about to fall asleep right next to Ranboo, the guy I met only a month ago. Sure, I trusted him, but that's only because my brother trusts him. How would my brother know, based on how he was online, that Ranboo was a trustworthy person? People online could be misleading, and more often than not, they turn out different than they acted online.

How do I know he isn't another Lewis?

That was the main thought infecting my mind. It was  the main cause of my rising panic. I didn't realize I was shaking until I carefully slipped out of the chair and away from Ranboo, then stumbled to the closest wall. I felt my way around the room, trying not to trip over anything, and successfully made it to the door.

As soon as I slipped out of my room and into the bathroom, I let out a quiet sob. Why the hell was I about to be that trusting, especially to someone I met a month ago?

I don't know how long I sat there, on the bathroom floor, crying as quietly as possible, but it must've been a while.

"Are you okay?" I heard someone's voice through the bathroom door.

Not even bothering to wipe my eyes free of tears, I stood up and opened the door.

Tw end

~ Love you all :]


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