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Tw: nightmare, mention of non consensual actions

Ranboo pov

Tubbo had driven us home after his leg felt better. Iris, who was still pretty shaken from the 'date', had attempted to help me walk to the car. My side still hurt badly from when Lewis kicked me.

"Iris..." I mumbled sleepily from my seat on the couch. She had returned to the streaming room, where I was, after grabbing an ice pack from the kitchen.

"Put this on your side and don't fucking take it off," she told me sternly, handing the ice pack to me. I mumbled a thanks and followed her orders.

Iris sat next to me, letting out a sigh. I could tell she had a lot on her mind, and I couldn't help but wonder what she had wanted to say earlier.

Mentions of non consensual actions tw start

As if hearing my thoughts, Iris said, "So... I know I wanted to tell you something earlier, but I kinda chickened out." I nodded as she continued to speak. "Um... how do I say this..." I watched as she nervously played with her hands while she spoke. "So... during the... thing... Lewis forced us to watch a movie. Um... he kept trying to kiss me without my consent, and uh... he also tried to u-undress me," she forced out, dropping her head in shame.

Mentions of non consensual actions tw end

With my free hand, I lifted her chin, making eye contact with her. "Hey, listen," I said. "I'm so proud of you, for being brave enough to tell me." I paused before adding, "And I will fucking kill him if he doesn't die in jail." I could tell she was surprised by my response.

"You're not mad at me?"

"Of course I'm not, Iris, none of this was your fault."

She didn't look very convinced. "I'm getting tired," she told me, then helped me stand up.

"I thought I was sleeping on the couch, and you were going back to your room?" I asked.

"Nope, it's now the other way around, because you're hurt." Before I could protest, she helped me walk to her room.

"I'll sleep in your room only if you sleep next to me," I blurted without thinking as she helped me sit on her bed. I had gotten used to falling asleep next to her every night, and though I would never mention it, I found it incredibly comforting.

Both of our faces flushed, and she quietly agreed.

"I'm gonna go um... clean up my face," Iris told me. It was then that I realized her makeup was running. I nodded and watched as she walked away.

As I carefully moved to lay down, I became lost in thought. She's so pretty... why- how- would anyone even think of  doing what that Lewis kid did- tried to do- to her? Not to mention she's a really nice person once she opens up to you...

My thoughts were interrupted as someone grabbed my hand - the hand that was holding the ice pack - and moved it to rest on my aching side. And she's caring. Iris laid down next to me after turning the light off.

Iris pov

As I closed my eyes, the memories of the traumatic events from tonight racked my brain. I tried to keep my breathing steady, and the sudden need to find a distraction overcame me. My eyes flew open and I rolled onto my side to face Ranboo.

"Ranboo?" Through the dim lighting, I saw his eyes flutter open as he heard my voice.


"Can we stay up and talk for a bit?"

Ranboo hummed in agreement. "What do you wanna talk about?" he asked.

"Um... can we just talk about random stuff?"

"Sure. Um... favorite color?

I took a moment to think before answering, "Probably amethyst. What about you?"

"I'd say royal blue. Your turn."

"Uh... ooh, favorite smp character?"

"Obviously Tubbo, because he's my husband," Ranboo joked.

"Mine is, of course, Michael the piglin."

"You would choose my son over me?" Ranboo gasped dramatically, then the two of us broke into a fit of quiet giggles.

After a few minutes we calmed down. I rolled onto my back, a smile painted on my lips, as I basked in the comfortable silence. Soon, gentle snoring could be heard from Ranboo as he drifted to sleep. Feeling content, I allowed my eyes to close. Within minutes, I slipped into the grasp of dream land.

Nightmare tw start

When I opened my eyes, it was dead silent. I slowly sat up, confused as to why Ranboo wasn't next to me. I crept out of my room, the only audible thing being my quiet footsteps and shaky breaths. When I reached the streaming room, a strangled cry escaped my slightly parted lips.

Ranboo stood there, anger clear in his eyes as he glared down at me. "What's wrong?" I asked, fear scorching through me.

"I'm sick of living here. In this house. With you."

I flinched slightly at his harsh words, then replied in a quiet voice, "But why?"

"You're so whiney and needy and I'm sick of it. I can't stand being here for another three months listening to you complaining about everything." His words carved scars into my heart. I thought he liked me. The silence returned for a few moments as I watched Ranboo walk towards the door.

The slam of a door sliced through the silence like a knife as Ranboo left me standing in shock. As I sank to my knees, tears escaped my eyes. I let myself cry on the floor, still confused as to why Ranboo, the guy that had defended me just last night, just walked out the door.

Nightmare tw end

~ Have a great day everyone, ily all :]


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