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Iris pov

As soon as I swung open the door, Lani flung her arms around me. Tears were streaming down her face, and she looked terrified.

Knowing very well that she wouldn't want to talk about it right away, I just hugged her back. "I'm happy to see you," I said, a small smile painted on my lips. She then gave Tubbo a hug.

Looking around, I didn't see Ranboo in the hallway, or in the kitchen. My shoulders fell as I headed to my room, knowing that he was still missing.

I could never have been more wrong.

As I sadly pushed open my door, a tall brunette sprung off of my bed and pulled me into a hug. I stood, shocked, as I tried to absorb what had just happened. Tears streamed down my face, but this time, it was from happiness.

I wrapped my arms around Ranboo, burying myself into his embrace. His head rested on top of mine, and I could tell we were both shedding tears.

"You- you scared me, idiot, don't disappear like that ever again," I mumbled as I pulled away, stifling a sob.

"I promise I won't," Ranboo replied. "I love you so much," he added in a whisper.

"What was that last part?" I asked teasingly, knowing full well what he said.

"I- what last part? I only said 'I promise I won't'," Ranboo said quickly, clearly embarrassed that he said 'I love you' out loud.

"Sure," I teased, a small smile spreading across my face. His face flushed and I laughed a little. "I love you too," I added in a quiet voice as I hugged him again.

Ranboo pov

'I love you too.' Her words rang through my head as a shocked smile spread across my face. I hadn't even meant to say 'I love you', but now I was glad I had said it.

"You- you do?" I asked after a few moments, recovering from my shock.

"Well of course I do, you're a great person, Ranboo," Iris told me. I smiled again, hugging the smaller girl closer to me.

Iris pov

Why is he making such a big deal out of me saying I love him? I say that to the people I care about and trust, such as some of my friends and my family. It's not like I have a crush on him, so why does it seem like I just confessed?

I decided not to confront him about it now, I would do it later; right now, I just wanted to stay wrapped in his arms.

We stood there for about a minute, only breaking apart when we heard the door creak open.

"Ranboo!" Tubbo exclaimed, smiling. "Thank you so much for finding Lani."

"Of course," the tall boy replied. Tubbo left the room, presumably to go hang out with Lani.

"So what happened?" I asked Ranboo, sitting down on my bed. He sat down next to me, hesitating before speaking.

"Um... so Lani was getting the mail and I was hanging out outside, then I saw a woman walk up to her and forcefully grab her wrist. Before I could reach them, the woman made Lani follow her, still holding her wrist.

"I followed behind the two of them at a distance, and I would've grabbed Lani right away but I didn't know how strong the woman was. We walked for quite a while, maybe half an hour, and I still had no idea where the woman was bringing Lani." Ranboo took a breath before continuing.

"Then the woman veered off into the woods, so I was able to get closer without being seen. I heard the woman say something about meeting up with 'the others' at the park, so I figured I should get Lani away from the woman before they got to the park. After a small um... fight, I guess? I got Lani away from her and here we are."

"Did the woman hurt you?" I asked, scanning his arms. Before he could respond, I let out a gasp. Dried blood ran down his right arm, and panic ran through me.

"She shanked me with a piece of broken glass," Ranboo told me, wincing as he looked at the cut on his arm.

Before Ranboo could speak again, I grabbed his left arm and brought him to the bathroom. Opening the closet, I searched for a few moments before finding and grabbing what I needed.

Gently, I grabbed his right arm and began cleaning it. The wound was on his outer forearm and it didn't appear to be too deep. "Let me know if it hurts," I said, briefly glancing up to meet his gaze. He nodded in response.

After I finished cleaning it, I applied some antibiotics and carefully wrapped a bandage around his forearm.

"All set," I told him, and I put away the stuff I took out before going back to my room.

"Thank you," Ranboo said gratefully. "I didn't even realize I had gotten that," he admitted.

We sat on my bed in silence for a few moments until I decided that I would confront him about saying 'I love you'.

~ Have a good day everyone :]

~ Wishing Techno a smooth and speedy recovery <3


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