~ 17 ~

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tw: non-consensual actions, police, fighting

Iris pov

Almost immediately, the door swung open. Lewis stood there, smiling widely.

"Come in, please," he told me, beckoning me inside. This probably isn't a good idea, but I have to do this.

I walked in, and Lewis led me to the roof. We sat in an ominous silence as the air grew colder and the stars twinkled into sight.

~ time skip to after they finish star gazing ~

"Are you hungry?" he asked, standing up.

"No, not really," I lied. In all honesty, I didn't want to trust the food he offered, because he might've poisoned it.

"Let's go inside though, I'm gonna have some food." I stood up and followed Lewis inside, and he led me to the kitchen, where he grabbed a slice of pizza.

After he finished his food, Lewis grabbed my hand and pulled me into his bedroom. I tensed up at this action, and didn't relax when he told me we were just watching a movie.

He put on a random movie that I hadn't heard of, and patted the spot on his bed next to him. I reluctantly walked over, sitting as far from him as possible.

(Non-consensual) Tw start

A little bit into the movie, fear pulsed through me. Not because of the movie, but because Lewis kept trying to kiss me. "Please stop," I mumbled, pushing him away. He ignored me and continued trying to kiss me.

I got off the bed and decided I would just stand and watch the movie, feeling extremely uncomfortable sitting next to Lewis. This might have led me into a worse situation though, because Lewis stood up and cornered me. His hands were on my hips, and I tried to push him away but couldn't.

He reached down to grab the end of my dress, and I knew he was trying to get it off me. Fear pulsed through me and I flinched, thinking of an excuse to leave. How should I word it so he won't get suspicious? "May I at least use the restroom first?" I asked; the end of the dress was at my knees now. Lewis sighed and dropped the dress. "Yes you can," he told me, looking annoyed. I let out a mental sigh of relief that I could leave.

(Non-consensual) Tw end

I walked slowly out of the room, shutting the door behind me. When I reached the bathroom, I opened the door, turned the light on, and shut it, never actually going in. I hope he doesn't look for me. Hurrying to the kitchen, I grabbed my phone off the table with shaky hands. When I turned it on, I saw that I had a text from Tubbo. 'Come outside, and grab his phone as well if you can.' Acting fast out of fear, I grabbed Lewis' phone off the table and hurried outside.

"Iris," Tubbo whispered. I looked over and saw him standing close to the front door. Ranboo stood next to him, and I could tell they both had shed some tears already. Tubbo held his hand out, and I gave him the phone.

I walked over to them and sat down, leaning against the wall. My legs had been shaking too much to properly support me. Tubbo stayed standing; he had gotten on the phone with someone, but Ranboo sat down next to me. I leaned against him, tears welling up in my eyes. Ranboo wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly while I cried in his arms.

Should I tell him what Lewis tried to do? Do I trust him enough?

"Ranboo," I whispered after a little while of having a mental debate, "can I tell you something?"

"If you want," he replied quietly. I hesitated, and Ranboo noticed. "You don't have to tell me."

I stayed silent and hugged him. We wouldn't be here if I hadn't—

As if he could hear my negative thoughts, Ranboo started playing with my hair with one of his hands. "It's okay, Iris, we're here for you," he mumbled, hugging me tighter. I felt comfortable in his arms, though I was still shaken from the Lewis incident.

About a minute later, Tubbo sat down on the other side of me. We heard sirens in the distance, but I didn't have enough energy to notice them. The front door swung open and I flinched, knowing who it was. Ranboo noticed and he gently rubbed my back, attempting to comfort me.

"Get the hell away from my girlfriend," Lewis demanded, and I knew he was talking to Ranboo.

"You fucking threatened her to date you, I don't think she's your girlfriend," Ranboo snapped. He must be angry if he swore.

Fighting and police tw start

Lewis stormed over and kicked Ranboo in the side. He let out a gasp of pain, his grip around me accidentally loosening. Lewis grabbed me by the collar of my dress and yanked me to my feet. Please help me Ranboo and Tubbo, I thought, fear clawing at my heart.

After a few moments of dead silence, Tubbo shrieked, "Over here!" A police officer rushed over, holding handcuffs. Tubbo pointed to Lewis, who was still holding the back of my dress tightly, and the officer walked over to him.

"Let her go," he demanded. I could tell Lewis had panicked, for he let go of my collar and stood still.

"I- he tried to kiss my girlfriend!" Lewis accused, pointing at Ranboo, who was on the ground, clutching his side in pain.

"You threatened her to date you, bitch!" Tubbo screeched.

As the arguing turned into a screaming match, I crawled over to Ranboo. "Are you okay?" I asked him. He nodded in response, though he gasped in pain when he turned slightly to face me, and it was clear that he had lied. "Thank you for standing up for me," I mumbled, leaning my head against the wall. He gave me a pained smile.

We turned back to watch the scene in front of us. Tubbo was showing the police officer Lewis' phone, presumably showing the pictures that Lewis took of us.

Without warning, Lewis kicked Tubbo hard in the shins, then turned to run, but ran into another officer. Tubbo staggered towards Ranboo and I, a pained expression on his face. He sat down next to me, and the three of us watched as Lewis got arrested.

Fighting and police tw end

~ Hope you guys liked this chapter :]

~ I love you guys :]


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