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Iris pov

"Who do you think it is?" Tubbo asked.

"I dunno, but let's go see," I replied. We both ran downstairs, skidding to a halt as we looked around in confusion.

Sitting at the kitchen counter was Niki, who was talking to mine and Tubbo's younger sister, Lani.

a/n - I don't know how old Tubbo's other sister is, I think her name is Teagan, so she will not appear in the story, she will be visiting family or something

"Niki!" I squealed, running over to her and giving her a tight hug.

The pink-haired lady hugged me back and greeted, "Hallo! Wie Geht's?"

Translation: "Hello! How are you?"

"Gut, und dir?" I replied.

Translation: "I'm fine, and you?"

"I see you've kept your promise of learning German," Niki said, grinning proudly. "I'm doing good, thank you."

"Hey Niki!" Tubbo greeted, waving to her.

"Hey Tubbo!" Niki replied.

"So... what brings you here?" I asked.

"Well, I was planning on meeting up with Eret, but their family made last-minute plans with him, so I decided to come here instead," she explained

a/n - If the fact that I'm trying to use all pronouns when Eret is mentioned gets confusing in the story, I'll just stick to they/them pronouns

"Oh! Tubbo, Iris, I forgot to tell you this yesterday, but Ranboo messaged me a date of when he thinks he'll be able to come here. The reason he didn't message either of you is that the date isn't final," our mother explained. Tubbo grinned widely. "He said maybe the first of July."

After our mum turned away to chat with Niki, I turned to Tubbo. "I know this might sound stupid, but who's Ranboo?"

Tubbo pretended to look offended as he dramatically gasped. "You haven't watched the Dream SMP in a while, have you?"

"Not in a while, no," I admitted.

"He's canonically my husband, how could you not know who Ranboo is?" Tubbo exclaimed.

"Sorry," I mumbled quietly, even though I knew there was nothing to apologize for.

"It's fine, I'll just have to introduce you!" Tubbo exclaimed. "Come with me."

"What about Ni-" I began, but he talked over me.

"She's fine, now come on!" Tubbo sounded excited for me to meet Ranboo.

I followed him upstairs but stopped when we reached the door. "There isn't a face cam or anything, right?" I asked.

"Nope," he assured me. I walked through the door, watching as Tubbo turned on his computer and called someone on Discord.


"What?" a person with a rather deep voice answered.

"I want you to meet someone," Tubbo told him.

"Who is it?" I could hear his American accent now, and he also sounded tired.

"Er... she's a friend of mine," he lied. Tubbo gently pushed me forward, and I sat down in his gaming chair.

"Hi," I said into the mic.

"Hello," Ranboo replied.

"Er... my br- my friend said he wanted me to meet you," I told him. Tubbo did a thumbs up to me before sitting down on his bed, scrolling on his phone.

"Oh, uh... that's cool," he said. "Sorry, my mom's calling me, I have to go."

I rolled my eyes and hung up. "What's wrong?" Tubbo asked.

"That bitch said he had to go and we hadn't even talked for a minute!" I explained, annoyed.

"I'm sure it was for a good reason," Tubbo said.

"I'm sure you're right, Tubbo, but I just don't really like Ranboo. He made a very poor first impression."

Tubbo sighed. "Well, it was worth a try."

I left the room, Tubbo close behind me, and returned to the kitchen. "How'd it go?" Niki asked as I sat down next to her.

"I don't know what you guys like about this Ranboo guy, but he made a very poor first impression, as I told Tubbo. He didn't even talk to me for a minute before saying he had to go," I told her.

"I'm sorry, but I promise he's a really nice person once you get to know him," Niki assured.

"I'm sure you're right, Niki," I sighed. "Oh shit, I forgot that Lewis had asked me to meet him at the park."

"Ooh, what time? I can help you get ready," Niki said.

"Wait, who's 'Lewis'?" Tubbo demanded.

"He's a friend from school, I'm supposed to meet him at noon," I explained.

~ Another chapter done, feel free to vote or comment :]

~ Have a great day and don't forget to drink water :]


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