~ 16 ~

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Guys I apologize, I posted the wrong chapter, so I guess you get two updates today lol

Iris pov

After freshening up, I walked over to my closet, searching for something decent to wear. This blue dress looks cute, I thought, picking out a royal blue dress. I tried it on, and it went down to my ankles. Perfect. After lightly applying eye shadow and eye liner, I looked at myself in the mirror, deciding that I looked decent.

A knock came from the door, and I glanced over at it. "One sec," I called, re-brushing my hair for the millionth time. Walking over to the door, I re-adjusted my dress, then opened it.

A tall boy looked down to meet my eyes, and his breath caught in his throat when he saw me. "Well?" I asked impatiently. "What do you want?"

Ranboo stayed silent for a few seconds, and I could tell he was carefully choosing his words. "I just wanted to wish you luck," he replied quietly. I smiled at him as I said, "Thank you," though I knew that wasn't all he wanted to say. Before he spoke again, he handed me a necklace. I recognized it as the one he often wore. I smiled and put it on, mumbling another thank you.

"That's so you feel safe, having a piece of me with you." I smiled at this thoughtful action, and he continued to speak. "And... I'm sorry about this whole thing. You shouldn't have to be forced to date someone," Ranboo told me. "I- never mind."

I could tell he was about to blame himself, but decided against it. He shouldn't be blaming himself... if I had never dated Lewis, none of this would've happened. I pushed my thoughts away as Ranboo's arms wrapped around my middle.

"Don't apologize," I mumbled as he rested his head on mine. "It's not your fault."

We stood like that for a while, our arms wrapped around each other in the middle of the doorway. It felt comforting, and I wanted to stay like this forever.

My eyes pricked with tears as I realized that I soon had to leave the comfort of Ranboo's arms to go on a date that I knew I wouldn't enjoy. As if sensing that I was about to cry, Ranboo hugged me tighter. I attempted, yet again, to banish the upsetting thoughts, and instead focus on Ranboo's heartbeat as I gently pressed my ear against his chest. One of Ranboo's hands moved up to subconsciously play with my hair in an attempt to calm me down.

"It's almost nine," Tubbo told us in a shaky voice as he walked by my room.

"You have to go," Ranboo mumbled reluctantly to me.

I sighed, narrowly stopping myself from saying 'I don't want to'. "Thank you, Ranboo," I mumbled as I unwillingly pulled away from him. The tall brunette looked down at me, and I saw his eyes welling up with tears.

"Please stay," he whispered.

My heart wrenched as I told him in a rather stern tone, "I'm sorry, Ranboo, but I have to go. I don't want to be late." With that, I turned and walked away, phone in hand. Tubbo offered to drive me to Lewis' house, and I accepted the offer, getting in the car.

I hated to see him cry. It absolutely broke my heart. But this was for his own good. I wouldn't have cared if my face were leaked to the internet, because two of my siblings showed their faces, and I looked similar to them. Ranboo on the other hand, his career, and possibly life, would be ruined if his face was leaked.

Soon enough, maybe too soon, we arrived at Lewis' house. I gave Tubbo a quick hug before getting out of the car, fixing my dress and adjusting the necklace that Ranboo had let me borrow.

Taking a deep breath, I walked up to the front door and knocked.

~ Filler chapter/cliff hanger lol :]

~ I love you all, don't forget to give yourself a little self care once in a while :]


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