1. What do you think your doing?

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10 years, give or take. That's about how long I've been on my own. I think it's better this way, when I traveled around with my mom I was nothing but a burden to her.

You see I'm what you could call a rarity of this world. A werewolf.

About a year or 2 ago I was bitten by what I thought was a wild dog, turns out no, not a wild dog, and it's all been downhill since then.

My body is working against me and I have no idea how to help myself. My life has been changing to be like the rest of the various 'supernatural beings' in this world, but not in the way I thought it would.

I'm weakening instead of becoming stronger, I'm more emotional now and I haven't grown an inch since the bite. Werewolves are supposed to be big and strong, at least that's what I've heard they need to be to survive.

I soon realised I wouldn't be surviving long if I kept on the path my body wanted to go. So, I rejected it, forced down every instinct and vowed to never be what people assumed I would end up. A weak defenseless puppy.

"Nonononono, please"
I rummaged through my tattered old backpack, how could I only have 1 left. Stupid fucking things, and they just have to be expensive don't they.

I grunted and threw my bag down, kicking it before sinking down the wall of the dingey alleyway I found myself in.

I don't have the money to buy more and I need to get it somehow.

I scanned the streets around me, it was late, not too many people out but enough to blend in if needs be.

Taking a deep breath, I slung my backpack around my shoulder, put up my hood and slinked through the few people around me, this had to be quick. Brushing by a few people and mumbling sorrys, i waited for the moment.

Bumping into the last woman I passed, I carefully nicked her purse out of her handbag, it was open anyway. Thats practically asking to get robbed.

Quickening my pace enough to get away but so as not to raise suspicion, I searched through for my prize.

Opening up the purse, I searched through it. Card, card, photo of kids, like 20 business cards jeez and.... 5 dollars.
"Fuck! Why does no one carry cash"

I threw the purse to the ground and walked back to my alley, my momentary safe space. The streets were deserted and I nearly gave up hope.

Until a tall man rounded the corner, normally I would take easy targets but I was desperate and he was my only option. He looked respectable, maybe a bit worn down but from what I could tell at a glance an alright guy.

I took another deep breath, fixed my hood back up and walked towards him. I prayed to myself that this didn't look to suspicious, I work better in crowds but it's too late for that.

Looking off in another direction, I bumped into him, sending me stumbling back. Jeez this guy's big. The man immediately apologised and asked if I was alright. I gave him a curt nod and a Yeah before slipping past him and smoothly reaching into his side bag. I grabbed what felt like a wallet a pulled out, sure enough, a leather wallet.

Mission accomplished.

When suddenly the man spun around grabbed my wrist, that held his wallet.
"Just what do you think you're doing?"
He looked so intimidating in under the streetlight. I found myself unable to form proper sentences under his glare and that tone of voice.

"I- uh- um I"
He plucked his wallet from my hand and put it back in his bag. He then pulled down my hoodie and his face softened a bit.
"Oh god you're just a kid"

I'm not a puppy! (age regression)Where stories live. Discover now