2. Jamie

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"Oh dear, get him on the couch"
I layed down the small human I'd been carrying since they'd passed out earlier and looked back up to my elder brother, Tom.
"Well I actually don't know what their gender is and I don't wanna assume-"

I rambled a bit frantically and Tom put his hand on my shoulder.
"Ok, that's fine. Now how about you get a glass of water for your self, calm down a bit, and I'll look them over"

I went to the kitchen and filled a glass whilst Tom gave the kid an initial lookover. See, Tom's a nurse, perfectly handy for when a small child tries to rob you, gets knocked out and you decide they're perfect little one material.

As I drank, I realised the kid would probably be needed some water when they wake up too. I fixed a glass and a bowl of apple slices, plus a ham sandwich.

Tom called out to me as i walked back to the sitting room, leaving the food in the kitchen for the moment.
"Ok, so it's nothing too serious, just a twisted ankle, keep that elevated, bandage for that and their head, and at worst a mild concussion. They'll be just fine-"
I smiled at the little trooper and kneeled down next to them to stroke their forehead, then pulled a blanket up over them.

"-Now can i get a bit more explanation than just 'I think I found my baby'"
I sighed and as Tom bandaged up our topic of conversation, I recounted the nights events, describing the feeling I got when they fell into my arms.

Tom looked at me in awe.
"I have literally no words, I mean you've been wanting this for so long. It's unconventional sure, but we're vampires, we're all a bit unconventional"
I laughed as Tom continued
"What's your plan once they wake up, I don't reckon they'll be out for much longer"

"I'm going to be as upfront as I can, without coming off as a creep"
"Ooo thats gonna be hard"
"Yeah I know. I'm going to insist they stay for the night, offer them food and a place to stay and I'll go from there I guess"
"Well, good luck man, keep me updated on how they're doing, please if anythings wrong give me call"

"Of course, your on speed-dial for me from now on"

I brought Tom to the door and waved him off as he drove away. Shutting the door, I took a breath. It felt like I hadn't been breathing since the kid went out. It wouldn't be long till they woke and I was absolutely terrified.

A groan came from the sitting room.
Some shuffling.

Well, I suppose its time to face the music.


My head hurt, it hurt like hell. That's the first thing that hit me when I woke up. Not the soft knit fabric that incased me and the warmth that came with it, or the absence of that disgusting street smell I'd come accustomed to. Finally I opened my eyes to a roof.

That finally set me on alert. I quickly sat up but regretted it soon as pained coursed through my head and foot. I gritted my teeth and felt my head, wincing as I brushed over a bandange.

I threw off the thick knit blanket and saw my shoes off with a bandage around one of my ankles.

I looked around. I was lying on a couch in a sitting room seemingly, the floor length curtains were drawn and soft lamp was turned on in the corner. I clocked my shoes and bags sitting nexr to the door. The room gave off a whole cosy and comforting vibe.

However those vibes did nothing to comfort as I screamed in anger to whoever the hell was keeping me in here.

I'm not a puppy! (age regression)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz