13. Everyone needs help

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2 days had passed and Jamie had been following me everywhere.

I was supposed to be going back to work, but I called and said I had a family emergency and it was pushed back.

Cause honestly it was an emergency. Jamie was a shell of their former self. They're jumpy, on edge and their hands just always seemed to be shaking. It's evident they dislike the lidded cups they're now resigned to, but understand why they're nessecary.

One too many spilled drinks will do that.

Nightmares had become more... apparent, nothing insane but I could hear them in the early morning, whimpering and crying softly.

I tried to inquire but they shut me right out. I didnt push too hard. Jamie was still Jamie after, prideful little thing.

And despite that, they were attached to me at the hip. We'll more like attached by a piece of rope cause they always kept a bit of distance, but Jamie was always there. We'd be watching tv, I'd get up to get something and Jamie would follow me, saying they totally wanted something too.

If I was cleaning up in the kitchen, instead of going off to their room, they'd stay in their chair, just watching me. They'd pretend they weren't if I looked at them though.

That night had shattered a part of Jamie and I just wanted to hold them again, remind them they were ok, safe. No doubt I'd get a swift kick it I got that close now.

Sadly, the pushing off of work had resulted me in getting sent some things to start off from home. Just simple stuff, concept designs for a new pharmaceutical brand I'd never heard of.

So I told Jamie was just going to be doing a bit of work upstairs. They shrugged, seeming disinterested, but followed me sheepishly up the stairs. When we reached my office, they seemed to realise there was no excuse for them to be hanging out in my office, so they resolved to literally waiting outside the door.

Of course I wasn't supposed to know that, but I could just tell they were out in the hall. I tried to focus on my work, but it was impossible with jam out there.

I could hear footsteps from outside the office door. Jamie had begun pacing. Eventually I called out.
"Jam.. whatcha doing out there"
The footsteps stopped and Jamie called back.

A moment of silence passed before I asked.
"Well do want want to come in?"
The door immediately was opened and Jamie slipped in, still in their cute little stripey pyjamas . They still tried to act indifferent.
"Do you want something or what? Cause I don't have a reason to be here so-"
I struggled to think of a reason to have called Jamie in, so there was silence again.

Jamie looked down almost dedjectedly and seemed to realise they'd been fidgeting with their fingers. They huffed a little and shoved their hands in their pockets, as an attempt to stop it.

I frowned, Jamie was always so upset by their own fidgets or whines. I thought they were adorable. Then an idea came to me.

"Are you hungry? I know it isn't lunch yet but we could make toasties"
Jamies face lit up a bit. They liked making toasties.
"Yeah!- I mean um.. yeah that'd be good. I could eat"
I smiled, gathering some stuff for me to look over downstairs. I slipped some papers into a folder as Jamie stood in the door eagerly waiting.

But the joy I felt at Jamie wanting to spend time with me was melancholy.

This wasn't Jamie, they were so nervous, so meek.. it made me so angry. Those bastards did this to them. Jamie was independent and headstrong, not this. This was not my Jamie.

We made our way downstairs and I laid some options out for toastie fillings to Jamie as I got out the pan.

Jamie picked ham and cheese with double cheese. A very nice pick, I went with chicken and the regular amount of cheese.

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