24. Part of the Family

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I stood listening in through a slammed door as Jamie kicked and threw things around their room. I rubbed my temples and muttered some positive  affirmations to myself.
"At least it's on, you got it on"

To say the least, getting Jamie ready for today was difficult.

Tom was coming over for an explanation, so there was already a mountain of stress there. And I had remained firm with the pull-ups and Jamie was obviously not taking the new rule well.
But following a borderline tantrum, some intense negotiations and minimal pushing damage done to me, Jamie had agreed to wear the pullup.

I was then promptly banished from the guest room as Jamie got dressed the rest of the way, which I was fine with. Jamie was more than capable and I was confident with time and patience Jam would eventually become comfortable with letting me take care of it.

I smiled to myself, falling into my little fantasy where Jam was already happy enough to let me really take care of them. I'd bundle them up in the cutest little onesie I could find and give them all the hugs they wanted. Then maybe take them to the park, push them on the swings-

Suddenly I was yanked out of my fantasy by actual jam screaming from beyond the door. They didn't sound hurt, but I still worried
"Jam?! Are you alright?"

The bedroom door swung open and I looked down to the Jamie, already dressed but shaking in rage.
"Where is it?!"
They demanded. I felt the urge to reprimand the tone, but stopped myself in lue of placating the angry pup.

"Where's what Bambi?"
They grunted and stomped their foot over me not understanding. They pulled at their shirt and looked at me expectantly as if that helped at all.
"Jam I can't help unless you tell me what's up"

They threw up their hands on exasperation and yelled as if it was the most obvious thing ever
"My hoodie!"

I couldn't help myself from shushing them gently.
"Shsh Bambi you don't have to yell"
They looked down at their feet and clenched their fists.

"Anyway, you've got plenty of hoodies jam-"
I looked in the room to see Jamie was pulled out pretty much every item of clothing they owned from the storage chest and had thrown them everywhere.

Jamie explained
"Not those ones, my... My purple one"
They pulled at their shirt a little bashful. I thought for a moment, not understanding, before it finally hit me.

"Oh! You're dinosaur one?"
Jamie nodded and I noted the blush dusting their cheeks. But sadly I had to break some bad news as I realised
"Jamie I'm sorry I put that in the wash"
Jamie's jaw dropped
"What the fuck?!"
I quickly tried to redirect them but couldn't help my reaction to their language.
"Hey there's absolutely no reason to be swearing at me Jamie, and we can pick out another one it's ok-"

Jamie was not happy at that.
"No! I need that one, I need the purple I need the dinosaurs. Andi-"
Jamie whined as they began to get worked up again. I panicked, desperately trying to figure out a solution, ultimately putting my hand on their shoulder.

I turned towards the opposite door
"Alright, let's see what we can do about this"
Catching Jamie a bit off guard I was able to steer them into the nursery without much issue. However once in, I had to step away quickly to avoid being hit by a very confused Jamie.
"What're we doing in here"

They looked around the space, fidgiting as it clearly intimidated them. I definitely needed to get Jam more comfortable in the nursery, if it was to become the actual nursery.

I wordlessly opened up the wardrobe and surfed through the few articles. Jamie realised what I was suggesting and started to protest
"No Andi that's baby clothes, I'm not a baby!"
The irony of Jamie robbing the Star covered footie onesie but being affronted by a hoodie did not pass me by.

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