33. Call

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"Ooba dooba do bap- a ooba dooba do bap"
I leisurely sang as we made our way down the stairs. Jam bobbed their head slightly from side to side in rhythm, whilst babbling behind their pacifier.
"Bay-wah, bay-wha, bay-wha, a bay-wah~"

I laughed and tickled their side, making them smile and wriggle.
"Are you being silly jam?"
Jam giggled
Jambam giggled more
"Jam... Abamalamadingdong?"

They screeched again and i laughed right along, unknowingly committing one of the worst offences a father can. Riling the baby up before naptime.

I took us into the kitchen and began pulling things out to make a bottle. One handed, as the other was occupied with the baby.

Jamie leaned against my collarbone, swaddled up in their blanket and contently watching as i went about.

But once I placed the purple planet covered bottle down on the counter they began to fuss, squirming and letting out a long whine. I assumed it to be Jamie's usual build towards claiming to be too big for a bottle and attempted to nip it in the bud.

"Ahah jamie, none of that now. We gotta get your milk into you before your nap. It's gonna keep you nice and warm while you recoup~"
I nuzzled the side of their face as i fell into baby talk, inciting some happy gurgling sounds from jam.
"All yummy nummy in the lil pup's tummy~"

I thought that would be it but jamie was not quelled. They first squashed my initial assumption as they pointed to the bottle, then began impatiently pulling on my shirt and insisted in one adorable word

I smiled, mirroring the eager one Jamie had directed at me
"Aw I'd love your help jam"
I hummed, thinking quick on how to include jam in a babyspace friendly way.
"Ok! I've got a very important job for you"

I put jamie down on the counter, blanket wrapped around their shoulders and handed them the bottle. I held my hands over theirs as I instructed them, mainting some jokingly intense eye contact.
"I need you to hold your bottle super super tight, and keep it still for me while i pour the milk and your special stuff in"
Jamie nodded and pulled the bottle back towards their chest, definitely holding it tight and still, but not in a way i could access it.

I chuckled
"You're on the right track pup, here let me show you-"
I guided Jamie's hands to rest the bottle down on the counter between jam's legs
"Yeah just like that jam, now there's a lessened chance I'll spill everything all over you"
Jamie giggled as they held the bottle perfectly still with the counter support.

I grabbed the packet of Jamie's milk mix, opting for the vanilla and dug out the long measuring scoop perfect for the bottle.

I carefully emptied in the nessecary scoops as Jamie focused completely on their own task.
"Alright pup, you are being the biggest help to me"
I quickly praised before moving onto the actual milk, but jam was definitely affected by the compliment. From the proud smile on their face, it was evident.

So as I slowly poured, I praised again.
"I should've had you making up the milk ages ago. You're just so good"
Jamie let out the littlest noise of glee from that, and I was greedy for a bigger reaction so built it up.

I stopped with the milk momentarily and planted a light kiss to Jamie's cheek.
"You're the best Jamie, you're so so good"
Jamie squealed and bounced their legs in glee. I beamed at them so happy

But as i went back to pouring, Jamie's happy noises and giggles began to teeter off. Their smile began to fall as their eye's dulled.
When the most dreaded noise sounded in the kitchen. A sniffle.

Given the past couple of hours I may have reacted too sharply, really not wanting any more tears today.
"No no no jamie come on we're finished with upsets for now"

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