15. Tumble

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I yelped as I was woken from another nightmare by hitting the floor. This was the second time I'd done this, and it definitely hurt no less.

I involuntarily whined, folding over on myself. I wasn't sure if I actually hurt or that it was just the shock.

I lay on the ground, consoling myself till the door opened a crack and Andrew peeped in.
"Jamie? Is everything- Oh jam"
He saw me in the state I was, and hastily knelt next to me.

"Another bad one?"
I nodded, not fully looking at him. He sighed and rubbed my back. I whimpered a little but bit my cheek to make myself stop.

"Here come on, sit up. Where did you land bambi"
He slowly stood, helping me up as well.
"On my side"
Andi hissed.
"Thats gotta hurt"
I murmed while rubbing my eye with my closed fist I was really tired.

"Ok you quickly get changed and then we'll get you back to bed"
He patted my back and ushered me to the bathroom and I hung my head as I went to change my wet pullup. Only then noting the slight wet spot on my pyjama bottoms. I frowned at it.

I returned and found andi holding 2 more pillows, from where? Who knows.
"Hop in"
He ordered and I shuffled awkwardly back into bed, quickly noting where my bunny had gone so i could grab her quick once andi left.

As soon as I lay down, Andi positioned the two pillows on either side of me. I shot back up in bed, glaring at him.

"I'm not gonna fall out again. I'm not a baby"
I protested, trying to push the pillows away
"It's just to be safe bambi, we don't want you hitting your head if have another bad nightmare"
Andi rebutted while giving me a gentle push back down to the bed.

I frowned but accepted his logic, also being way too tired to fight anymore.

Andi yawned
"Goodnight Jam. See you in the morning"

"Night Andi"
I called, watching him leave and as he shut the door, I reached down into my covers to find my bunny.

I cuddled up to her, trying to get back to sleep.

Even though I was exhausted, my head swum with thoughts.

Andi was definitely coddling me a bit more, which I'm not completely against. I know it's weird, but it feels good to let andi take care of things, especially cause he takes care or things well.

It seemed things were starting to finally get better. I was getting less shakey, I felt more able to be alone but still preferred having Andi around, however babyish that may sound. Plus m stuffed bunny Andi gave me makes sleeping alot easier.

Well she makes getting to sleep easier, the intoxicating combination of her very huggable plush body and nightly warm milks lulls me into a false sense of security. That I am quickly shaken out of when the nightmares come in.

Andi says trying to sleep every night makes me very brave. I think he also said that to make me feel better after breaking the news that we have stop the nightly hot chocolates. Just cause of 'hot chocolate scarcity' and 'diabetes'.

The hot chocolates aren't completely off limits, just back to special occasions. So no more cocoa before bed. Well.. warm milk fills the hole pretty well. It makes me just as sleepy and warms me up nicely, but it's not chocolate. So you win some you loose some.

All in all, living with Andi was at an upturn after what happened at Ben's.

But a certain part of our cohabitation that we were both definitely aware of but neither of us wanted to start the conversation was starting to crop up more and more.

I'm not a puppy! (age regression)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora