3. Breakfast

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I woke up with a groggy whine. I was briefly confused of where I was and the thick comfy covers that encased me. Then all of last night came rushing back to me.

I groaned and opened my eyes, sluggishly propping myself up on my elbows. I rubbed sleep out of my eyes with my fist before shifting forward to get out of the covers.

The shifting alerted me that I urgently needed to get up, the dark shame awaited me and it'd be better to just get it over with.

I could hear someone moving downstairs and assumed it to be Andrew... the man I tried to mug, the man who was letting me sleep in his guest room. I cringed to myself as I slid off the bed and balanced on my good leg.

I hopped over to my bag and hastily fixed my problem, hiding my shame in my bag with the one remaining horrible item. I fretted briefly but pushed that thought to the back of my head as I hobbled over to the door.

Using the wall as my support, I made the small distance to the top of the stairs, before gripping the banister and slowly edging off each step, dropping them dragging my bad leg behind me.

I soon reached the end of the stairs and followed the sounds and smells to the what I assumed would be the kitchen. It smelled so good I had to stop myself from drooling right on the spot.

I pushed at the door at the end of the short hallway and was hit with the all too harsh natural light coming from  large glass doors that gave the kitchen a nice glow. Andrew was stood over the stove, poking at something on a pan.
I rubbed at my eyes again and called out to him very quietly.
He turned once he heard the noise.

"Oh great you're up! I was going to bring breakfast up to you, here you shouldn't be walking with your ankle sit down sit down"

He pulled out a chair before guiding me to it. He then returned to the stove to keep an eye on whatever he was cooking, but turned back to face me.

"So, how'd you sleep?"
The best I think I've ever slept
"Well thats pretty good, I hope you like pancakes"

He flipped what I now saw as a pancake, with one hand and gave himself a proud smile. He then opened up the oven.

"I kept your stack hot-"
He pulled out a decently sized pile of pancakes then slid the one he'd just flipped into the pan on top. I didn't realise the excited expression that grew on my face as Andrew chuckled while placing the plate in front of me.

"Do you like syrup sweetie?"
He asked while grabbing a bottle. I nodded with a little blush at the nickname he continued to use and he poured some overtop of the stack

"Go on, tuck in"
I did just that, scoffing down pancake after pancake, barely even chewing just getting down whatever I could. Andrew was a little shocked.
"Woah slow down kiddo.. Jamie you're going to make yourself sick slow down"

I ignored the man and continued wolfing down what was infront of me, until it was pulled away. I looked up in shock at Andrew as he held my half eaten stack with a disapproving look.

"I'm sorry jamie but you gotta eat a bit slower, I really don't want you to get sick"
I let out small whine and blushed more. He treated me like a child, I'm not a child. I frowned to myself and brought my knees up to my chest to sit more comfortably.
"You don't have to pout, just eat a bit slower"

I glared at him and growled.
"I'm not fucking pouting"
He sat down in the chair next to me, keeping the plate in front of him.
"Well you are a little bit"
I whined again and put my head between my knees.
"Am not"

I felt a hand placed on my back, I flinched but relaxed as the hand started to rub gently.
"Hey hey hey, it's ok sweetie I'm sorry. I was making a joke but it wasn't very funny was it?"
I shook my head.
"I'm sorry jamie, here you wanna finish your pancakes. Then we can have a bit of a chat... just remember to eat slowly hun"

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